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  1. Thanks for the reply. I been doing blood tests for the last nine months. Not one doctor has mentioned something about a serious infection. If there was, I am assuming there would be an elevated WBC on my CBC panel. I have had a few tests done showing no severe internal inflammation such as an ESR test and homocysteine (I think) or something like it. If I do have some type of bacteria, I think it is in my intestinal track. I have many food sensitives and alot of digestion/health issues. A doctor I was working with thought that there might be a infection somewhere in my gut that was depleting my cholesterol, but he never followed up with that. And now I find out that there is such bacteria and also they can destroy red blood cells and it something I think I really need to look into. Can you think of any tests I can ask for doctor to look for these bacteria either directly or indirectly? I know there are stool samples, but which companies/which ones, and there are probably a bunch or at least a few tests out there such as blood draw from vein, or spit, or something. I am completely new to this issue. A hematologist I saw did a blood stain and I think she looked at my blood under a microscope and said it was fine. Not sure if this matters. I think and at least one of doctor I am working thinks, there is something going on inside my intestinal track to cause my cholesterol to be so low and probably is causing my anemia and premature destruction of rbc's. I am just trying to figure out what that is so I can try some medication to see if it will help. Look forward to hearing from you.
  2. Hello, I am looking for some help and advice. I am currently in poor health and have been for some time. I have had various labs done during the past few months and they have shown a low cholesterol level (total 99) and anemia on alot of tests. My iron saturation is low and I have an elevated reticlyte count which means my red bloods cell are destroyed more quickly than normal. I just came across information about certain bacteria that target cholesterol and also destroy red blood cells and this may impact my situation. I should not have low cholesterol to begin with as it not inherited from my family or because of my diet, because I eat alot of well balanced foods and are currently overweight at 300 pounds, so if anything my cholesterol should be sky high. I looked into the issue a little and it seems there a pore forming bacteria that can mess with cholesterol and RBC's. My question to you is, what type of Doctor should I try to see about this? An infectious disease doctor I am think, not sure? And what kinds of tests can I run to find out if some strain of bacteria is affecting my cholesterol and RBC's. I am going to a digestive function tests with a company like Genova or Metametrix soon, but this might not show it. I am actually searching for things I can asking a Doctor to test me for to check for these kinds of bacteria. Like maybe of spit (sputnam) test or some type of blood tests or blood stain test. Not really sure at all here. If you can think of anything else that might help, please let me know. I have been seeing Doctors for the last nine months with no progress yet. Thank you.
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