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Everything posted by m@

  1. alright, i did this lab, on the ph of catalase. I basicly tested the reaction rates at 4, 7 and 10 (ph). My resullts show that the reaction rates of 7 and 10 are the same????? and 4 is even lower. Why could this be, i know that the polar parts of amino acids(-nh2 and -cooh) are attracted to the polarity of the difference in ph. wouldn't it make more sense for one of the ph's to be the highest in reaction rate? i don't get it.
  3. here it is, I haven't had time to come back to this thread test_1.txt
  4. no the page just goes blank, header variables: $subject = "You have recieved an order"; $from_email = "mjw136@omegamp.com"; $to_email = "mjw136@hotmail.com"; i was getting emails with the messege that said like: first name: and then it was blank. I now don't get anything
  5. This is really getting annoying now. It still does not work, did you want me to put the header variables in the top of test_1.php? I have recieved no emails
  6. Open office is for free on linux and it has as many if not more features than microsoft's word
  7. I tried you suggestion nothing really happened, the values are still blank
  8. Ok I have a problem ive got one html file with this form: <form method=POST action="http://omegamp.com/test.php"> First Name: <input type="text" name="First Name" size=15><br> Last Name: <input type="text" name="Last Name" size=15><br> Phone Number: <input type="text" name="Phone Area Code" size=3> -<input type="text" name="Phone Number Part 2" size=3> -<input type="text" name="Phone Number Part 3" size=3><br> Address: <input type="text" name="address" size=28><br> City: <input type="text" name="city" size=12><br> State: <input type="text" name="state" size=12><br> Zip Code: <input type="text" name="zipcode" size=5><br> Email: <input type="text" name="email" size=18><br> Credit Card Number: <input type="text" name="Credit Card Number" size=16><br> Credit Card Expiration Date:<br> Month: <select name="month"> <option value="January">January <option value="February">February <option value="March">March <option value="April">April <option value="May">May <option value="June">June <option value="July">July <option value="August">August <option value="October">October <option value="November">November <option value="December">December </select> Day: <select name="Day"> <option value="01">01 <option value="02">02 <option value="03">03 <option value="04">04 <option value="05">05 <option value="06">06 <option value="07">07 <option value="08">08 <option value="09">09 <option value="10">10 <option value="11">11 <option value="12">12 <option value="13">13 <option value="14">14 <option value="15">15 <option value="16">16 <option value="17">17 <option value="18">18 <option value="19">19 <option value="20">20 <option value="21">21 <option value="22">22 <option value="23">23 <option value="24">24 <option value="25">25 <option value="26">26 <option value="27">27 <option value="28">28 <option value="29">29 <option value="30">30 <option value="31">31 </select> Year: <input type="text" name="Expiration Year" size=4> <br><br> <input type="submit" value="Submit Order"> <input type="reset" value="Reset Form"> </form> Then i have test.php as follows: <?php $firstname=$_POST['First Name']; $lastname=$_POST['Last Name']; $address=$_POST['Address']; $city=$_POST['city']; $state=$_POST['state']; $zipcode=$_POST['zipcode']; $phonepart1=$_POST['Phone Area Code']; $phonepart2=$_POST['Phone Number Part 2']; $phonepart3=$_POST['Phone Number Part 3']; $email=$_POST['email']; $creditcardnumber=$_POST['Credit Card Number']; $month=$_POST['month']; $day=$_POST['Day']; $year=$_POST['Expiration Year']; $subject = "You have recieved an order"; $from_email = "mjw136@omegamp.com"; $to_email = "mjw136@hotmail.com"; $message = "First Name: " . $firstname . "\n Last Name: " . $lastname. " \n Address: " . $address . "\n City: $city\n State: $state\n ZipCode: $zipcode \n Phone: $phonepart1 - $phonepart2 - $phonepart3\n E-mail: $email \n Credit Card Number: $creditcardnumber\n Expiration Date: $month - $day - $year"; $headers = "From:" . $from_email . "\r\n"; mail($to_email, $subject, $message, $headers); ?> When i get an email, the form values are blank. I have no idea why this is happening.
  9. i also cant remember if u have to put <?php and ?> in.
  10. heheheh dudde ok so i am assuming im not to include (string)
  11. now ive got this: <html> <head> </head> <body> <?php ini_set("display_errors", 1); $firstname=$_POST['First Name']; $lastname=$_POST['Last Name']; $address=$_POST['Address']; $city=$_POST['city']; $state=$_POST['state']; $zipcode=$_POST['zipcode']; $phonepart1=$_POST['Phone Area Code']; $phonepart2=$_POST['Phone Number Part 2']; $phonepart3=$_POST['Phone Number Part 3']; $email=$_POST['email']; $creditcardnumber=$_POST['Credit Card Number']; $month=$_POST['month']; $day=$_POST['Day']; $year=$_POST['Expiration Year']; mail("mjw136@hotmail.com", "You have recieved an order!!", "First Name: $firstname\n Last Name: $lastname\n Address: $address\n City: $city\n State: $state\n ZipCode: $zipcode\n Phone: $phonepart1 - $phonepart2 - $phonepart3\n E-mail: $email\n Credit Card Number: $creditcardnumber\n Expiration Date: $month - $day - $year"); ?> </body> </html> Is that what you meant? im not sure, please edit if you need
  12. alright, my problem is simple, i have this code: <?php ini_set("display_errors", 1); $firstname=$_POST['First Name']; $lastname=$_POST['Last Name']; $address=$_POST['Address']; $city=$_POST['city']; $state=$_POST['state']; $zipcode=$_POST['zipcode']; $phonepart1=$_POST['Phone Area Code']; $phonepart2=$_POST['Phone Number Part 2']; $phonepart3=$_POST['Phone Number Part 3']; $email=$_POST['email']; $creditcardnumber=$_POST['Credit Card Number']; $month=$_POST['month']; $day=$_POST['Day']; $year=$_POST['Expiration Year']; mail("mjw136@hotmail.com", "You have recieved an order!!", "First Name: $firstname\n Last Name: $lastname\n Address: $address\n City: $city\n State: $state\n ZipCode: $zipcode\n Phone: $phonepart1 - $phonepart2 - $phonepart3\n E-mail: $email\n Credit Card Number: $creditcardnumber\n Expiration Date: $month - $day - $year"); ?> and its not working, i think it might be the server
  13. this is the procedure so far Procedure 1. The strawberries were cut up and placed in it's own corner of the choice box. 2. This was repeated with the plant, and potatoe. 3. Then, the non-nutritional material was placed in it's own corner. 4. The pill bugs were placed in the center of the choice box. 5. The timer was started. 6. The pill bugs were observed. 7. After five minutes, the pill bug's locations was recorded. 8. Steps 6 and 7 were repeated six more times.
  14. Does anybody know a better solution to the control, paper could work but it could add some more factors that could mess up our data, for example a pill bug gets stuck or something i don't know.
  15. i might also use another food if anybody recomends a good one
  16. Another thing, in the choice box, there are five "circles" joined together(didn't know if there were different types). There is a circle in the center and 4 other circles attached to it, in each corner. Sort of like the arrangement of the number five on dice except that the circles are joined. Now right now, we have the following foods and control: 1. Roast beef. 2. A plant. 3. Strawberrys or some fruit. and the control: 4. Paper or something(i don't know). I am thinking of placing each food and control in each corner of the choice box, then leaving the center circle free, which would be the initial start of the pill bugs location. Does this make sense or should the control be in the middle?
  17. Javascript VS Perl Ok, I have experience in both, both self taught. I found javascript easier to learn, but it might be more releavent to learn perl if you know actionscript and have experience in flash. Check out my website http://omegmp.com i used javascript to do that, and i have created external files in javascript to make it load faster and making it easier to uptdate. Then again perl is good but php can do similar things to perl so if you need to do server side stuff i would say to learn php, which can be learned at php.net and javascript(first language i learned) which i used an oreily book to learn 800 pages or so but mostly reference.
  18. Then again we are thinking in linear terms, the cause of the big bang may never be known because it may not even be understandable to us. I agree that someone said enjoy life because I doubt "humans" will ever know everything. Tell me if im speaking bs.
  19. m@

    Oh _

    Well even with those odd's you probably have more of a chance of dying in a car crash each day than you would dying in 2014 of that meteor.
  20. good point......I've discussed this with one of the group members, we have decided that I will provide the procedure, all of your support has pretty much convinced him. More Input=GREAT. (i had to use the caps im sorry, lol)
  21. A brick....Why a brick, do you mean that just to have the texture of the other foods or something? Ah makes sense.
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