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  • Lepton

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Lepton (1/13)



  1. lol, yeah thats what i meant. Is that what was meant by "in LaTex if possible"? I am new to site am not sure how to use that. Come on you have to admit that my mspaint is pretty damn good though EDIT : "If you want to know how I did that, you can click on the equation and the source code will pop up." Got you
  2. i drew them up in mspaint , a lot easier to understand
  3. Can you guys help me out. I am in calc2 and having trouble. I was given the test took it (wasnt good). Well we got to take the test home handed in work on seprate sheet of paper. I wanted to try and do them at home to see if its possble for me to even do the problem. I took it to the calc2 student tutor and it took him 2 hours to figure out 2 problems !!! How am i suppose to do 10 problems in 1 1/2 hrs and it takes this tutor (who is in calc3) longer to do 2 probelms ?!?! anyway long story short i am having problems. CAn you guys check these sample problems out and walk through the steps. If you give me the answer can you explain how you got it, which methods used (sub, interg. by parts and all that fun stuff) ? These are some problems. 1 2x^3 + 5x Eval. S ---------------- 0 x^4 + 5x^2 + 4 dt S ------------ sqroot----------- t^2 - 6t + 13 ??? Any help i thank you in advance
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