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Posts posted by Mouse

  1. Ah I see... But if the animal has no Pinnae[the cartilage] can it still hear well?


    What if the animals has a Pinnae that the structure of a conch shells.

  2. ???:confused::confused:


    ok here's a diagram I hope someone can verify whether it's a theory or false.



    I hope this doesn't meant that animals with hydrogenosomes do not breathe?

  3. I was just fascinated that we have multi cellular animals that can live with no oxygen.


    But i am a bit curious about Hydrogenosomes? What are they? Some of the articles are a bit tough for me to understand.


    Also how is this hydrogenosome allow the organism to make food and how is this in contrast with photosynthesis apart from the absence of light.

  4. I see... sorry if this sounds whimical. I am just curious....


    I believe something like this could be going on on Mars. But you can't make acetate in CO2 rather even if you are near a hot spring or volcano?

  5. I see thanks a lot... so if they breath iron[iII] like say from hemetite. then what do they "eat".


    And if will they survive in a cave on Mars? If so which part of the food chain will they be? Producers?

  6. So that's means the mirrors or sail have to face the sun to get the "wind" to propel it?


    What happens if say we managed to get as far as Pluto? The ship will be floating in space?

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