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Chaos Theory

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Posts posted by Chaos Theory

  1. You can see that even each blob is fairly specialized already. I wouldn't compare that development to evolution. Just to the fact that cells specialize similarly at first, and then genes contain the instructions for actual development from there.


    It's just fun to compare it to evolution in some ways, with similarities then evolving into traits for each individual. It just shows how similar we are to having back bones, skin, teeth, organs in systems, and even the same systems from digestive to respiratory. We aren't all that different, but at the same time very different at the end result from very small differences at the genetic level.


    I hope this makes sense. If anyone can explain this all better, please do.


    Otherwise, just look up a bit yourself about notochord development in evolution compared to spinal cord development in embryos. Then animals who get vertebra compared to those who only have a notochord still.


    You don't get vertebrae forming in an embryo until you have the spinal cord forming.


    It's like building anything. You have to start with the basics and then add finishing touches. Having a body of the car made before the engine may result in the engine not fitting the body.


    Evolution just kinda follows that too. Why develope vertebra if you don't even have a notochord? How would you get spinal chords evolving if notochords don't show up first?

  2. Well, it's that all of us develope similarly at first because it makes sense to get our nerve system built, and all that first...(look at the stages of embryo dev'p for a few different species). Then the more complex later after the basics are laid down which make us all very different from other species.


    We all have nervous systems, and all vertebrates have their spinal cord form, we all have eyes/jaws/skin etc. Vertebrate development is fascinating. Look at a chicken embryo and a human embryo at 72 hours old to 2 weeks old. Look into induction/organogenesis/gastrulation/trophoblast/Ectoderm/mesoderm/endoderm.


    It's not going through stages of evolution, but development to a certain point needs to be similar at first to organize cell layers.

  3. NavajoEverclear said in post #33 :

    The male nipples have great purpose. They can be used to transmit and recieve alien signals . . . . if you know how to use them right. Thats what i use mine for anyway, i don't know what other applications they may have.

    Does that feel good? :D

  4. n 1928 Dr. Mansfield Robinson sent message to the inhabitants of Mars via his shortwave radio, calling his language "Oom ga wa na wa" or "God is all in all".



    What $*#*&@# inhabitants of mars??? ga ga wa na...bah! :rolleyes:

  5. OMFG!

    In 1982, psychic and healer Mavis Burrows was hanging around her house near Suffolk, England when she suddenly got "instructions from elsewhere' to grab some canvases, drawing paper and pens so she could make some "space art". She ended up making 14 "canvases" which took her two hours of nonstop, intense work that came to her as if "beamed"; almost at a pace too frantic to keep up with.
    ++ :haha: :P:P :haha: :haha:


    he had seen and handled little "I-beams" which were as light as air, would bend to extreme angles but not break, and would return to their original shape as if untouched. They had symbols embedded into them - not in the manner of silk-screen or painted; but embossed into the beam itself.



    :bs: The rest of them are just as bad...I had this dream of this alien family with these symbols on a badge they wore. I met thim in a field of flowers...la lallala

  6. Darn, I thought that was the place to go to whine about and disprovoe pseudo science (what I like to do). I also thought this was a topic saying we might see the end of some pseudoscience through a new law or something. Ah well. I'll go snoop through and see what that topic has in it.

  7. Placebo effect is kind of keeping the patient delusional. Why give someone a treatment when they need a lesson in relaxation and positive thinking? Send them for some therapy instead so they aren't a bunch of nuts 'hooked' on placebos.


    A more positive outlook to therapy would be more beneficial.


    A good bedside manner with treatment is beneficial as well. A cold and non-communicating doctor will do more harm than his meds will do good. That is all we need to learn from homeopathy. A patient with cancer treatments and help for their stress and worry would go far. A nice hot stint in the sauna, listening to favorite music, or whatever else they feel is relaxing and helps their 'spirit' through any type of treatment.


    Stress never helps. Relaxation is a good stress cure.


    Did you know depression begins with a stressor? Mix that with prolonged stress and hopelessness and you get depression that you can't just snap out of. Your whole body gets messed up. Then it's a long road to recovery


    Learning how to deal with stress and keep your brain and body in good shape would go a long way to making people feel better, brighter and less fatigued.


    Eat right. Exercise. Learn effective stress mangement. Throw in a massage, or good music, and you're good to go. Prevention. Then you won't get to that unhealthy state that people are trying to cure with placebos.

  8. During the day you use all of your brain. Did you read the information?


    Also I said the homeopaths USE the myth, didn't come up with it. It was a misquote someone went wacky with. It's completely wrong. The enclyclopedia britannica said what fafalone said.


    You didn't get my joke/laugh in my quote about the nipples? dang-gotta use more smilies.


    MRI's, CAT scans, and EEG's show that we use all of our brain. No waste unless you waste your brain on drugs and alcohol.


    Am an enlightened, now you go forth and get enlightened. :D

  9. NavajoEverclear said in post #19 :

    Chaos theory- do you know a lot about the chaos theory? I totally agree with you because of it. Some people have told me this isn't part of the theory but i know saw it on a site about it, but cant find that site again. Anyway it proposed the concept that seemingly random data is often governed by a complex order.

    So i take that as an evidence of the uncertainty of things we'd like to think are solid. There could be unforseen changes at which our complex order fails, without us knowing why, or that ours, or another, not expected to prevail, will survive due to some unseen advantage hidden in the finest complexites of its genome. Sounds a little like trying to use science to put unrational faith in miracles, but still you cant deny it could be true.



    Hey, I like Gai too (minus the spirit-just the theory). Chas theory is more 'cool' though. I believe coincidences are a common occurence too. There are stats you can do to determine the chance of something happening. All interesting.



    or another, not expected to prevail, will survive due to some unseen advantage hidden in the finest complexites of its genome.
    Exactly. I like how you put it. :)
  10. YT2095 said in post #20 :

    I`de put my money on cockroaches and rats if the sh!t hit the fan for us.

    A possible argument against or certainly not in support of "evolution" per se, would be since nature evolves through neccesity for survival, how come our brains are so big? since a best we only use 10% of it. I`ve never heard of nature evolving things with an "eye to the future" before? on a more trivial note, why do men still have nipples? wouldn`t we have "outgrown" the need for them by now?




    The 10% use of brain crap is a misquote used by homeopaths who will then sell you junk that supposedly lets you access the rest of your brain.


    Men have nipples because the fetus has no gender until the testosterone kicks in. Females are the default model. Get over it. It's easier that way. You like your nipples, you know it.




    Go forth and learn.

  11. Gimme a break. Getting rid of people lying and selling junk is not a witch hunt. It's simply like a public service. Cops take out liars all the time-you can't sell me a TV and tell me it's a microwave. You can't sell me a DVD player and then just give me a box with a rock in it.


    Buyer beware is fair enough, but we should also be able to take them down when we found we've been taken. It's only fair. We bought the stuff under false pretenses (well I haven't, but I could get suckered).

  12. Good advices there.


    Double-stranded RNA is found in HIV because of the way it works. Most viruses want to get into a cell, and immediately start reproduction, for which single-stranded RNA is useful because it is what is used to make proteins.


    Dang, gotta hit the microbiology text again here. I was thinking single stranded rna viruses coded for DNA that would go into the cell's DNA in order to take over the cell. It's been 10 years though...little fuzzy. Then the necessity of reverse transcriptase for the HIV is not making sense there...ack!

  13. Natural selection is fickle. At some point a successful trait can become a species' downfall when there are changes to the environment-and changes are numerous. Sharks for some reason are highly successful. How many other cartilagenous fish are out there? Crocodiles and alligators haven't changed much. Humans have. Are we now at the most successful model? We'll see. Maybe there will be some really bad disaster that only people with a certain trait will survive. Then other changes lead to other traits becominag dominant. Who knows...maybe we'll be very different.


    It seems to take a huge climate change or huge change to the environment before you see creatures evolving and then becoming successful. Then you see a population explosion as creatures adapt to certain areas.


    Mass extinction....population explosion of another bunch of creatures. Seems cyclical. I'm sure you'll see a pattern before any population explosion. Any information on that would be appreciated.

  14. You have to look at Neanderthal's bodies. They are very adapted to cold environments. When things started to warm up again, the homo species started to occupy more space, use more of the resources, etc.


    The warmer seasons and more humans running around, we can imagine disease could have been a factor too.


    There are any number of reasons for their extinction, including others mentioned here. It was inevitable. They were less able to adapt and it seems their brains just weren't as big when it came to thinking in abstracts and such.


    I think it was inevitable. They weren't the best model of humanity compared to the humans that were evolving around the equator.

  15. It doesn't matter. Medicine now is nothing like it was back then. If you were to only learn THEIR teachings, then you'd be one scary 'doctor'. If you only learn one of them you're just as scary. I don't care if you're the father of computers, I won't build my computer like yours from your information from back then.

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