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  1. again, is my idea (that when a person is sleeping he is in the future or ahead of time than a awake or concious person ) correct or wrong?
  2. I have read your openion on my tyopic, but it did not satisfied me. once again i would like to explain what actualy wanted to bring around. you see, last time what i have experiance while traveling with my son is that the truck approch us from a distance.and what i thing, by this time my son already dream of something which made him jerk just before the truck pass us with a loud sound.that's why i said that my son has seen the future while sleeping, by having a related dream with a future happening.
  3. you know what i have experience and discovered? is that if we sleep we r in the future that is ahead of thet present time. one day we travel along with my son in the car, a truck approches us,But before the truck pass our car with its thunder sound, my son was jerk from his sleep, and the truck passed. when i sleep i dream about the a person ignite a bomb, and i ran away as fast as i can to find a shelter and the bomb blast with a real loud sound, but what actualy happened its the thunder outside. this shows that i see the future happening if its not exacttly but i know that in the future there will be a loud sound, which i can not predic or know if i am contious. any addition on thi let me know.
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