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Posts posted by Loki

  1. yeah, i remember those questions... they were the hardest BC calc free response questions of any AP test. That probably explains why the 2003 test had the highest fail rate out of any other BC calc test from any year.


    Question 1: I answered it with complete confidence.


    Q2: I remember freaking out about this one. I scribbled down as much as I could for partial credit, but I think I missed a lot of it.


    Q3: hahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahhahaha.... i can't believe i didn't answer ©... for some reason i just couldn't think at the time...MORON! the rest i got though


    Q4: answered all but (d).. again, the time constraints creat so much pressure and stress ...


    Q5: answered all... I'm sure i messed up on my algebra for part ©... if i remember, you have to use the quadratic formula, and i got something messy...


    Q6: answered all those.

  2. yeah, it sucks how the physics/astronomy job market isn't as stable as engineering... i'm sure i'll be forced into eng. eventually b/c of that... *sigh*


    -edit- i guess i could always flood my elective slots w/ intriguing phys/astro courses in college right? that might be the only other way to feed my true curiosity

  3. anyone here working on a physics degree? I'm still in high school, but I'm going to get a physics, astronomy, or engineering degree. at least that's what i hope for

  4. I'm starting the class monday. For those who have taken it, then what's it like? how is it compared to calc 1&2? i dunno, just start talking about calc 3.


    -edit- sorry about this being in the number theory forum, i'm sure you all know where I MEANT to put it. =P my mistake

  5. Traveller--wow, sound fun! :) take me along


    as for me, i get to go on one last date with my girlfriend before she leaves for college. Once she's gone I'll be so bored with nothing to do that I'll probably fill all my time up with homework or other productive acts (I say this, but I usually end up playing DDR all day or something dumb like that).

  6. I agree blike, right now it's entirely far-fetched. Everything about it seems feasible to me except for the date: 2030. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has heard that having a man on mars by 2015 is as good as a guaruntee. I'd like to see a man on mars in roughly ten years, but with NASA's current budget and rank on the governments priority list, I doubt it's likely.


    I know I'm being skeptical, but don't get me wrong, I'd love to see all this happen. I just think realism should be taken into account.


    But then again, you never know, eh?

  7. To me, it sounds like risky business when it comes to this field. I understand everything about pursuing my dreams, and doing what makes me happy. But I'd also be happy with a solid, stable career in--say--physics or engineering. unfortunately, it seems like the best way to figure out whether an astronomy career will be a stable one or not would be to, well, be an astronomer. =P

  8. YT2095 said in post #6 :

    Infinate expansion has now been proven. not down to low mass reasons, but we are being pushed appart by dark matter at an ever increasing rate, the big bang is actualy getting faster!


    could you cite a resource? i've read about this in recent publications and it is still unconfirmed whether the mass in the universe is "too high", "too low", or "just right". so, when was this "proven"?

  9. If a fire were devastating enough something like this could be used as a last resort. But there has to be many other factors to be taken into consideration, and I'm sure there's one factor waiting there to deem this method unusable.

  10. As of now, I don't think that the American populus even has a controllable, direct say on what research is done (do they?). Dudde, you said that the influence should be lessened greatly, implying that the American population does have a pretty big say in the situation. Is this just generally speaking, or am I missing something? :)


    Anyway, I do agree with you Dudde. (And just because AO_champion is here). Just think of what would happen to fossil research that furthers our understanding of the evolutionary theory if our overwhelmingly religous population had their say. Sorry, I didn't say that. But really tho... nevermind--


    See ya!

  11. Hmm... I don't understand why time stops at the end of the universe. Could you elaborate/explain alt_f13?


    The only feasible theories that I've read about that relate to your topic alt, are those of the "big crunch" and "infinite expansion." The big crunch would happen if the critical mass (or something like that, i dunno) in the universe is reached. All of the mass in the universe will stop accelerating and reverse its motion. This would, I assume, include photons of light(?). alt_f13, are you saying that, accordiing to laws of relativity, time would "stop" in this big crunch?


    the other theory, being the infinite expansion theory, would occur if there weren't enough mass in the universe to reverse the acceleration. Everything would just die out eventually.


    sorry if that was off-topic, i didn't full understand what you were getting at.


    but just to add my own opinion, it hurts my mind just to conceive of time coming to a stop. but then again, the same thing happens when i try to think about eternity.

  12. To be honest, blike, a lot of that went straight over my head. I took a few details from the article in, but I can't say I really understand what I just read.


    Anyone want to help? :)


    It may be just because I'm getting tired and I'm listening to some music quite loud, but those may just be excuses I'm using to not feel so dumb.

  13. I agree with p dunn too


    but really, analyzing the subject doesn't seem to help. Well, let me rephrase that: analyzing this subject has never helped me in the past. When you are out of a girlfriend/boyfriend it's easy to analyze everything--"what do girls/guys want? how do i get one? am i nice enough?" etc. etc. etc.


    the reason i say this is because when I was solo I thought so much about having a relationship with a girl, and i thought about everything i would do in a relationship and how i would go about treating her... and so on.


    but when I found her, none of that analyzation stuff worked. I just found her, we were attracted to each other, and it went from there.


    basically what i'm trying to say is that when you find the right girl/guy then things become easy. you don't have to think or analyze everything... you don't have to ask yourself questions all the time. it just feels right.


    i guess. i dunno. maybe

  14. I used to use a SNES emulator for Chrono Trigger, FF6, and such. I forgot what emulator it was... Zsnes or something.


    oh, and most websites have been shut down. there are a few left. i remember a website i used a lot with only rpg roms, which is all you'd ever need really :). Also, i'm sure you could try kazaa for roms... maybe?

  15. I usually make straight A's, but this is hich school. I made a B first 9 weeks in AP calculus AB, but then shot it up to a 98 for the last 9 weeks of AP calculus BC :D. Other than that, I think I made a B in spanish once, and maybe freshman english.

  16. Peter Dunn said in post #14 :

    Hi Loki


    Surely plants do'nt 'base' their structure on anything; they are simply what they are - as nature intended (and hopefully edible).


    they sure do! maybe my wording (the use of the word "base") didn't describe the phenomenon accurately, but nonetheless, certain plants have :phi: in their geometry.


    now whether you think that this occurance is a spectacular phenomenon or an easily-explainable happening makes no difference. I'm sure you think the latter, and you probably think that any attempt to show how :phi: exists in nature is just an attempt to romanticize the subject for the public.


    But the facts remain the same, and :phi: does in fact show up in the geometrical structure of plants.

  17. Hey, a 4 is good quack, especially for calc. i made a 3 on the english language test. that's actually good for me, considering how relatively bad I am at english/reading/writing. but then again i was aiming for a 4, and it just so happened that the english test was all weird this year too. the MC was really toned down (easy), but the free response essays were too hard to write about... i don't know anyone that was pleasantly surprised w/ their ap engl score this year


    dave--i saved my BC calc tests, i have them somewhere in my super big calculus binders. i could probably dig out the 1998 test and scan it.

  18. Oh, no, they ETS will only release an AP exam every few years. I recall that they've released the 95 and 98 exams (I don't remember, but i think they also released 92, 89, ..etc), but I have never seen anything after the '98 exam. Anyway, most of the exam materials are sealed up and considered confidential, or something like that...


    it's quite unfortunate too, because i'd LOVE to get my hands on the 03 test I took and figure out every problem... you see, the free response problems aren't necessarily difficult, but when they take away your calculator and give you a time limit they are!!! but yeah, it'd be fun to go back and redo those FR problems w/ unlimited time... they're the type of problems that make you feel really good once you figure them out ;)

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