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Everything posted by PathMan

  1. funny you mention UVP because I was JUST perusing their site. What do you think of these two: The BioDoc-It System http://www.uvp.com/biodocit.html The PhotoDoc-It System: http://www.uvp.com/photodocit.html Those are the two "basic" imager systems that jump out at me, the first one being 5-6k and second around 3.5k (with screen and printer)
  2. Hell Charon - thanks for your reply. You're right - I did leave out information regarding my protein blot detection reagents. I suppose I am most concerned with DNA for now as that's what's missing (or soon to be missing) with my failing imaging unit. It was more an after though. I do actually currently have Typhoon which is fantastic for RNA/DNA and even Protein gels - but as I am stuck using EtBr I can't use the machine. I know it CAN read EtBr but the department doesn't want us using ethidium on their $200K investment so it's UV boxes for EtBr. For my particular project I've had less luck with the other DNA stains such as sybr and vistra green. As for protein blots - i usually use ECL+ which GE swears can be detected on their Typhoon. I have not had much luck doing so, so for now i just use film. If you've had luck getting your westerns to work on the typhoon perhaps that's another topic i'd love to pick your brain on - but for now, my primary concern is EtBr-stained DNA. Sorry if that was confusing
  3. Hello all, I am looking for a good DNA Gel Imager for use in genotyping my various mouse colonies, cloning and a few other techniques as they come up. Basically all I need is a UV light box and a camera, but I have noticed that there is a wide array of imagers available. The top of the line seems to be Alpha Innotech's Red - but at $10k it's a little out of my price range. I am looking to spend about half that but I am curious as to what people are using in their labs right now. What I need: High rez camera Light source capable of exciting EtBr-stained DNA bands in agarose and polyacrylamide gels. Reasonably small footprint Easily networked or attached/attachable to a computer Easy to use software that won't drive me nuts or force me to save images in a proprietary format. Reliable, right price, solid construction, reputable company etc What I would like: Ability to use for western blots or other gel and membrane types (RNA, protein etc) ability to print an image with an attached printer/mini printer any other bells and whistles you guys can think of. thanks all and let me know if you require more information regards! KB
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