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  • Quark

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Quark (2/13)



  1. Thanks for your help...not. I have several more questions like this to do, but I don't know where to start. I need solutions so that I can attempt to emulate the method in the other questions...
  2. Manipulate the equations: 1. (w/v) = (g/(v-w)) to get 1/v + 1/w = 1/g 2. (w - g) = f²(1/(v-g)) into 1/v + 1/w = 1/g Please give me solutions so that I can compare them to the other similar questions. Thank you. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedAnyone...?
  3. A dry cell has limited life. My friend told me there are two reasons -- what are they?
  4. A dry cell has limited life. Name two reasons why this is. 1. An electrode could become depleted in the cell, due to........? 2. ????????????? leakage??????? please help, my test is in an hour
  5. For all intents and purposes, water can be classified as either a base or an acid.
  6. Hydroxic acid, hydroxylic acid, hydroxilic acid or water is the strongest solvent. It can dissolve almost anything over time.
  7. I doubt that, in the exam, they will ask for three definitions. Perhaps, two. Also, they might ask why that definition is bad.
  8. I realise 3 is not always appropriate; however, can't I just add something like "If oxygen is involved..." at the start of the definition?
  9. I now have 4 definitions. 1. Oxidation is the loss of electrons in a Redox reaction. 1. Reduction is the gain of electrons in a Redox reaction. 2. An increase in the oxidation state of an atom is known as oxidation. 2. A decrease in the oxidation state of an atom is known as reduction. 3. Oxidation is the addition of oxygen to a substance. 3. Reduction is the removal of oxygen from a substance. 4. Oxidation is an increase in oxidation number of an atom. 4. Reduction is a decrease in oxidation number of an atom. --- I couldn't find any evidence of the hydrogen one. --- 1 and 2 say the same thing, really.
  10. 1.(a) Define reduction (Give three different definitions) 1.(b) Define oxidation (Give three different definitions) 15. A dry cell has a limited life. Describe two possible reasons why this may be. For question 1, I believe I know two definitions for both terms: Oxidation is a loss of electrons in a redox reaction; Reduction is a gain of electrons in a redox reaction; Oxidation is the addition of oxygen to a substance; Reduction is the removal of oxygen from a substance. If those are right, I'm confused about the third. Thank you in advance.
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