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Everything posted by AlexanderJC

  1. I was wondering: how could you go faster than the speed of light if light is the theoretical "limit"? My hypothesis is that if you were to rapidly convert a massive piece of matter into energy, then back to matter, and back to energy again (keep repeating the process), then the sudden appearance and disappearance of matter would send ripples in space itself around say, a ship this was mounted on. This effect would effectively shorten (or lengthen) the length between point A and B . Then, if you were to go the speed of light, you would reach point B faster than if you went the speed of light the conventional way. Unless this effect lengthened space... Please give me feedback as I am simply a broke highschool student with no particle accelerator.
  2. The generator DOES work, but is not a true perpetual motion device. The magnets keep it going for a long time, but eventually either the system achieves equillibrium as the axle eventually stops turning, or the magnets will lose power and will need to be replaced. This truly is an ingenious idea, but is not entirely as advertised.
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