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Posts posted by Graeystone

  1. Why did you call it a science then, because that's not[/i'] a science.


    Welcome to 'Politcial Correctness.' Creation Science isn't just about God creating the Universe and all life. There're other theories in CS that are also dealt with. Like aliens 'seeding' the planet.

  2. Is this supposed to mean something or just nail down the notion that creationists' date=' like Henry Morris, are intellectually dishonest?


    "Origin of Species" was published at the end of 1859, and it takes a little while for new ideas to get distributed and established. So anybody who died before ~1870 or so really had no choice but to be a creationist. There simply wasn't a viable alternative.


    So on a list of 40 (some names listed twice, for added dishonesty) more than half were dead before having any chance to have given evolution legitimate consideration.[/quote']


    Did you BOTHER to read the article, like the part where the idea of evolution is nothing new? The arguement between evolution and creationism is a lot older than people may realize. And the reason why some people are listed twice is because they did more than ONE thing, IE Isaac Newton.

  3. Time doesn't really exist. It isn't built into the basic physical laws of the universe. Whether time can end or not is irrelevant, because it does not exist in the first place.


    If time doesn't exist then what about quantum mechanics? Isn't there aspect of time in it?


    Don't know how old you are, but someday you'll be feeling it. :D

  4. That's what I like about Myth Busters on Discovery. They proof/disproof Hollywood stuff but they don't act like stiffs about it. They have fun and know that to completely ruin a movie like that ruins other people's experience of seeing a movie.


    Seeking truth is one thing, being a Grade-A Jerk about it is another.

  5. I remember reading a letter to the editor in the local newspaper. This guy just completely debunked PETA. He used everything from science(evolution) to religion(Bible). While I do believe we do have to take care our pets, farmers should never neglect their livestock, and scientists should never be unwantingly cruel to test animal, PETA just take things way too far to the point of bordering on fanaticsm/terrorism. As a matter of fact that's one of the signs of a terrorist, "Someone who purposely damages/kills that/those they have claimed to be protecting."

  6. Generally speaking, A Law is something that has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt. (Thermodynamics, gravity). A Theory is something that still has questions that needs to be answered.


    The problem is that sometimes in science, like many other things, there people who don't like the results, mainly they or others disprove their theory, so to get the desires they want, they do their hardest to 'get the rules changed'.

  7. Hrm. . .could finite beings such as ourselves be able to truly understand infinity? Something for both science and philosophy to consider.(I'm not saying trying to understand infinity is a waste of time either.)

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