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  1. in any case i've spent too much time talking with you guys. here's a study i found for you guys about this and i'm out of here. really i only made this account to ask that 'curiosity' question, something i did not expect to get any responses i just wanted to write it down somewhere (feel free to delete it, i'm over it).
  2. i'm not scared of it you idiot it's just i don't want to get any of it on me. i don't know why. the exact same way i can't touch my nipples. i mean i can but i don't want to. something in the brain. like that dopamine you get from about to eat something or do something interesting, its the opposite of that. i just really don't want to. and not because its gay or anything. nobody is watching. no it's something deeper down than that. the way our brains are hard-wired. you see its about choice. gay people should have the choice to be normal.
  3. well say if a white person was extremely uncomfortable with being white, why shouldn't he take some melonotan or whatever hormone to try to pigment his skin black? tree you're taking quotes out of nowhere. in no edit did i say "[i'm not gay]" or imply it (i suppose that's what the brackets are for). you're using unfair tactics to winning an argument. inow i wasn't talking about therapy. i was talking about medications. i even provided you with example medications that already exist, such as selective dopamine agonists.
  4. i don't hate gays. i tolerate them. but it's just i think that a man who is gay is a disgrace to his own self. explanation follows. <<adult material removed by moderator>> you probably did not even care to read all that inow. and you're probably going to say something like "reality really doesn't give a crap about your mistaken explanations". oh well. i just thought i should give one anyways.
  5. huntington's disease is genetic, does that mean it's not a disease? if you have a significant impairment (like homosexuality) that can be treated with medicine, why not allow it to be? it's about choice. you have to give homosexuals the option to be treated if they want to. what about men who were straight all their lives starting to get gay urges? shouldn't they have the choice to get treated? nobody is making you get treated if you don't want to.
  6. well thing is opiates are as addictive as anything but it has few physical problems- alcohol on the other hand causes liver problems, heart problems, etc.... the only bad thing about opiates is opiate withdrawal. as for that whole homosexuality thing, if it is a brain disorder like iNow suggested, than why don't we use medicines to treat it like we do for other diseases like depression and schizophrenia? dopamine agonists with androgenic agents would do a great job at this.
  7. I guess you're right genes can make a profound effect on brain size, chemistry etc. which can pretty much determine your sexual attractions farther than you can psychologically. Happy? Good night to you also. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedAs for alcoholics, I think we should give them opiates.
  8. Oh ok I saw your link so 1,500 gay animals have sex with each other I guess that takes my point out the window. I still think that it is mostly psychological though. Then again I guess the 'psychological' part- the way we think- is also really determined by genes. Or is it? I don't know! I think that is what will determine the whole question- Is the way we think determined by nature/nurture? Like say you can't blame a criminal for wanting to kill people because it was his genes and the way he's raised? Or is your mind still independent to make decisions that had not been ultimately controlled by nature/nurture? Idk its an interesting question.
  9. Those are just studies... it does not deal with the actual principle Also, if homosexuality is not just psychological, how come its not apparent in any animals? Is it a trait unique to humans? I mean maybe bulls or whatever can have gay sex, but only when there aren't any females to have sex with instead. Of course some of it is genetic... like perhaps genes that control how submissive or dominant somebody is or agressive, but not to an extent where homosexuality is certain. I'm not arguing with you I mean I would love to see your counterpoints...
  10. skepticlance got me thinking with that whole homosexuality disease thing: Back when it was thought to be a disease, apomorphine was used to treat it. It's a dopamine agonist and works by increasing sexual response in the brain. (an aphrodisiac) But note how it only increases straight libido... This means that people's minds aren't actually homosexual by nature, it's just something they psychologically created for themselves.
  11. Wait so are you just trying to write an essay? Or what kind of project?
  12. I was just wondering today, why is it so interesting to say play a multiplayer game on my ps3 or to ride my bike or to interact with friends... I've done it millions of times already... its because of curiosity. What new situation will happen this time that has never happened before? Its the fact that every possible situation that happens next is completely unimaginable is why it's so interesting. Of course in some situations you are more curious as to what happens next than others. Like right now I am not too curious as to what people will respond to this. But when I'm interacting with someone in real life I can't even imagine what they will do. And I can't imagine what I will do in response either. That's what makes it interesting. On that matter what is curiosity anyways, in terms of the brain and the mind? Is it neutotransmitter-ish? Dopamine makes things interesting. Or maybe it's some of the psychedelic serotonin receptors that tryptamines act on. I don't even know. Endocannabinoids are in a class of their own maybe they have something to do with it.
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