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  • Lepton

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Lepton (1/13)



  1. THANK YOU THIS IS PERFECT *presses thank button and puts studying cap on* be prepared for a LOT more questions <3:eyebrow:
  2. The way I see it, the interest in learning M-theory will give me a reason to learn some advanced mathematics like calculus. You can learn things far faster when you have a drive to learn them, than when your forced to learn them in school by a boring teacher. I want to get ahead anyway...
  3. Algebra 2 in highschool.
  4. I've been looking into M-theory, and I think I understand the general concept, but I would like to learn the math behind it. Can anyone link me or provide me with this?
  5. Emotions are the result of chemical reactions in the brain! Next time someone makes you happy, tell them "Congratulations!, you just raised my serotonin levels!" XD
  6. *steadys myself for this question. Going to be some DIFFICULT MATH!* OK, so in this question, I am going to attempt to explain to you that an ever expanding universe is impossible, and that another big-bang is unavoidable! I'll do it in steps, since I grow bored easily. Astin, you can help me with this one since you know what I want to do. If anyone else wants to help with the math on this, I welcome you too, but only if you understand what im doing, and dont guess! Corrections are good too!
  7. Can anyone confirm to me that it would be FAR easier to send a rocket into orbit right at the equator? Also, it would be far less easier to get something in orbit spinning the same direction as the Earth as apposed to the opposite direction. I can't see why this wouldn't make sense, but I want to make sure i'm correct before I add it to my book of things I know
  8. I did a little research, and I came up with this answer. Please correct me if I'm wrong guys! We know that the circumference of the earth is 24,934 miles. We also know that gravity at sea level is 9.81 meters per second. Every meter above sea level you increase, gravity decreases by .0003086 cm squared.. I think. Also, if you are at an altitude of 100 miles above earth, that would mean that the circumference is now 25,214 miles. So, (25,214 x 100) / 24,934 = 1.123% more circumference distance that the satellite is traveling than it would be if it were on the surface of Earth. If we were to increase this height by 1 meter, then we are increasing the height 1/1609.344ths of a single mile. This would mean that 25,214 would turn into 25,214.2 about. 1.124% So we can say that increasing the height of the satellite by one meter would increase it by 1 thousandths of a percent in circumference. Now for gravitational pull~ If gravity is 9.81 meters per second at sea level, and it decreases by .3 x 10^-3cm, than we can say that; Gravity at 100 meters above sea level would be 9.81 - (160,934.4 x .000003) This means that the force of gravity at 100 miles above sea level is 9.3271968. If we increase the height of the satellite by 1 meter, than the equation would become: 9.81 - (160,935.4 x .000003) So the force of gravity 100miles + 1 meter above sea level is 9.3271938. (9.3271938 x 100) / 9.3271968 = .000043 This means that Gravity would have went down .000043% due to the height increase of the satellite by 1 meter. or 4 billionths of a meter. wow... lots of math. Break time. Brb, food.
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