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Posts posted by Miseria_

  1. Okay, me being me, I've forgotten the major amount of physics I learnt, in particular, specific heat capacity.


    so, it would be agreat help if someone could give me some means of working this out.


    Calculate the thermal energy required to convert 5 kg of ice at 0 degrees celsius to steam at 100 degrees celsius. (specific heat capacity © of ice = C of steam = 2100 J\Kg\K, specific heat capacity © of water = 4200 J\Kg\K, Latent heat of vapourisation = 2.3 X 10^6 J\Kg, Latent heat of fusion = 3.3 X 10^5 J\Kg



    thanks... ;)

  2. I think someone is out to get me.

    I shouldnt have started this.


    But at least we scots can say were not as fake as the english!!!


    Anyway, So far we have a number of people joining our side and Greg is going to be the leader.


    On a side note, It's supposed to be Raistlin from DragonLance but it looks a bit naff.:D

  3. I get the strangest feeling that team banana would rather rule the world.


    Isnt that right Sayonara?


    And the deep fried pizza thing sounds distgusting.


    I'd much rather a nice hot curry!!!!


    :D :D :D :D


    Prefferably one that would blow my brains out and need to be washed down with plenty of beer.


    :D :D :D :D

  4. A friend of mine brought this up in conversation and I want to find some educated answers, so where better to come?


    I was wondering if there have ever been any acctual attempts or theories for halting space and time in a contolled area?

  5. I understand your incentive.


    I too would like to rule the world with my fellow scots.


    However I would also like to bring back hanging and corpral punishment, And I think that after we send the neds to israel we should blow it up.


    No offence to anyone from israel.


    Steak and kidney pie should be our national symbol, either that or a bottle of "Jack Daniels".


    But apart from that your ideas are spot on.

  6. By word of "Jock" I acctuaqlly meant the American, knuckle head football player, equivalent. Not a Scot, as I am myself a scot, and I would hate to be classed as a jock, or a ginger haired highlander.


    But I still think that idiots will inherit the earth.


    Thank God that we're over due for our next oblivion.

    hopefully it will come soon. :D

  7. I would like to make a statment.


    I beleive that earths future is going downhill.

    I mean, who is next in line to take control?

    At the moment the most powerful man in the world is George Bush.

    Am I the only one who is worried about that?


    And what of the future, it looks to me like the Neds/Jocks are going to inherit the earth anyway.


    I mean, the meek ain't gonna inherit shit.

  8. fair nuff, i was merely interested in other people beliefs.


    And I ultimately believe that both Quantum mechanics and The theory of Realativity both have to many gaps in them to be fully complete, and that they have a bad habit of contradicting each other.


    I also beleive that Neils Bhor Deserves more credit for the acheivements he has made.

  9. Simple Enough, Who's smarter?


    Neils Bhor by far in my opinion, his revoloutionary ideas on quatum mechanics have acctually proved Albert Einstein wrong, and so if Albert Einstein was to acctually accept Quantum Mechanics, then he would have to abandon e=mc^2.

    (Warning, Intellect may be required!)

  10. I'm not too sure of this but, Wouldnt the result of the death of a star (Please dont go into how after a red giant explodes or collapses, something still remains, I use the tearm "death" loosely) and the out burst of a super nova, in more than one sense, be a white hole?


    Like I said, I didnt think this one through much.


    And on a side note, isn't the existence of our very universe, (the ever expansion into nothing side of things) also the opposite, to a certain degree, of a black hole?

  11. Lets take a history lesson, Before I do, If I say anything contradictory to anyones beleifes, please feel free to completely thrash me for it. I am not quiet sure if a nuetrino is smaller than a photon, but the existence of photons has already been proven due to the attempts to test Quatum mechanics, (which I might add, Proved Einstein's theory of relativity wrong), and although I'm not sure how they managed to acctually detect and measure the split photons to prove the very existence of quatum mechanics (in other words they detected half of a photon), I beleive that if a photon is smaller than a nuetrino (I know I should probably find out before I post this) then the question has obviously been answered by someone, somewhere.


    And on a side note, Einstein may be a genuis, but Neils Bhor was the victor, even though he died before he won the battle.

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