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Lepton (1/13)



  1. But one day the oil will run out. So will the uranium for nuclear energy. We will have to change to power lines, because I don't think that power stations fitted for fossil fuels will make do very well with distributing clean energy.
  2. Originally posted by insane_alien are you maybe talking about children born to parents who were affected by chernobyl I've never heard of chernobyl before, but I'm pretty sure that nuclear energy is a big factor of deformities on Earth. I saw a picture of a girl on the Discovery Channel about a girl with 8 limbs. Her parents worked in a nuclear energy factory. There are many very similar cases on the news.
  3. I agree with him, but I think that Saudi Arabia could and should be the next huge world energy supplier of energy. Also, not all African land is desert area, but desertification is another big problem. Nuclear energy isn't a very smart idea, because I see so many poor, severely deformed babies whose parents worked in a nuclear energy factory. The Himalayas are an exellent place to put wind energy farms in, from what I think. Vermont's Green Mountains are a good place too, since they have the highest wind speeds on Earth sometimes. Who knows, Antarctica could become a huge wind energy factory.
  4. I'm just wondering how cities built to burn fossil fuels will be able to change to clean energy. It could be impossible to change all those street lights, subways, homes, etc. from major cities across the globe to being non-polluting. If the people of Earth could do it, it would take a while. Look at us. Growth of human population and construction is really high now, and both need a lot of fossil fuels, which is only adding to the time to change them to using clean energy. If people don't change soon, by the time oil runs out, we'll be stuck in a tight spot.
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