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Everything posted by emcelhannon

  1. I grow bismuth crystals to make sculpture and jewelry. Every time I melt, I lose a bit to oxygen on the surface. I've collected enough slag to prompt the question. Can I reduce this efficiently to offset my $22 per lb for the new stuff? Thanks for considering my problem. Ernie
  2. I thought I'd post this here. I'm pleased with the results. https://www.etsy.com/listing/98130033/fathers-day-gift-express-shipping
  3. and Sam did doughnuts in the parking lot.

  4. I need some chemicals to make NI3. Who can sell me a quart of anhydrous amonia?

    1. emcelhannon


      i mean 1/2 pint.


  5. 2hr delay...I'll take it.

  6. Today's only goal is to make sure my students make it to the weekend with all their fingers.

    1. Leader Bee

      Leader Bee

      Well it's Monday again. Are everyones digits still in tact?

  7. So maybe a buck head door knocker was a bad idea. The antlers keep stabbing me in the head.

    1. Where is my navel?

      Where is my navel?

      xD Definitely a bad idea!

  8. thinks "What About Bob" needs a sequel.

  9. is watching "What about Bob."

  10. I know I should be sick of em, but I still want a snow day. Some of us are just gluttons. Don't judge me.

  11. Hey Dad, is saying "fooey" wrong?NahGood, cause it's fun sayin...fooeeeeey

  12. is thinking the roads are getting slick.

  13. is smoking up the house.

  14. is casting a buck head door knocker.

  15. Is casting pewter angels.

  16. is setting aside his Christmas tree to season for next summers pyro party.

  17. is protected by a vail of ignorance.

  18. cut out 576 3x1.5" dominoes out of three 2x4s, plus bridges and stands in an hour and a half.

  19. is repairing cheap toys made by Santa's little Chinese elves.

    1. jerryyu


      maybe if Santa pays those little Chinese elves better, it will motivate them to do a better job

  20. can't wait until his kids get tired of their new Raider Rapic Fire Nerf guns. I'm thinking, a few capacitors and a little pneumatic action, and we'll make a fully automatic taser gatling gun.A little iodine and amonia would make a nice explosive tipped nerf dart too.Christmas morning is always so inspiring.

  21. Magic wands were a bust. Time for a last minute do over, only without the molten metal...pisser!

  22. is booby-trapping his Christmas present hiding spots.

  23. is 3/4 finished with Mary's nativity set.

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