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Everything posted by robbarron

  1. is there a pressure cooker out there which is for sale or do i have to make my own little contraption up for it to work? Thanks again for all info, much appreciated.
  2. Ok, thanks. I will get back to you if I need any further help. Thanks very much.
  3. Sorry if this is in the wrong section, I am new to hear and do not know much about science. I would appreciate as much help as possible and for you to treat me like an idiot in your explanations please. My problem: When you cook potatoes by boiling them, they take a while, i presume it is something to do with the break down of the proteins or something like that? I am just wondering is there a scientific process you can do to speed up this reaction? Sorry i have not explained very well and if any one needs any more infomation or a better explanation to give me answers then please state and i will try and explain in more detail. Thanks very much for all your help in advance and i look forward to hearing the replies. Thanks.
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