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Posts posted by michael37607

  1. I know exactly how you feel, I've been told that its more philosophy to ask "why?" in physics, but I feel, after we have learned a bit more about something, we can take a second look at it and explain previous phenomenon we something deeper, hopefully :P A big thing in theoretical physics is trying to find a unified theory to explain the forces, light, etc. If we found it a set of basic rules to derive everything else from, we then might starting asking why these fundamental rules exist.

  2. I guess they are assumed dimensions that we have, without them, well, I can't imagine what anything would be like, I can only describe what they are in intuitive terms. :P Philosophers might wonder why there is time or why we have dimensional space and what they really are as you ask...and I would say...uhhh :confused:

  3. Ubuntu does have kernels in their repositories for 686, k7, etc if you really want one geared for your specific processor. Doesn't hurt to test the waters and try others but I'm addicted to apt (as you can tell, I'm a debian whore) and I've yet to see a speed increase with other distros (have not tried gentoo though :P).


    In my opinion, debian is probably the best large distro that truly embraces the spirit of free software. :cool: If you have an older machine, just throw a lightweight window manager on there, compiling your own stuff might give a slight peformance benefit...but if your hardware is truly old, you won't like the compile times :P

  4. My nomination for worst science in a movie has to go to "The Core". To many problems to list but my favorite is obtaining power to drive the ship from the ambiant heat of its surroundings. Apparently, the writers never heard of Carnot or the laws of thermodynamics.




    Heh, that was about the most entertaining movie I have ever seen, its comedy gold, I can't even remember all the great stuff from it, but every scene seemed like it was meant to be a joke. I've never seen any movie or tv show that as ever been very realistic at all (well, if it was a sci fi or an action movie, ya know, something moving or blowing up), but the core stands above them all ;) .


    But' date=' if I could add on to it. Maybe, it is just the "conscious" mind that can differentiate between time intervals. When you sleep, you lose track of time. I know that i have slept all day on accident and thought I was only asleep for a few hours.




    I lose track of time pretty bad when I'm awake...

  6. I've used gnuplot a few times (mostly combined with octave). It's terminal driven even on windows I believe, but is free (as in freedom and price too ;))




    I believe this in the win download, something like the /bin folder should have the executable binary to run.


    gnuplot win binary


    There is a link to the documentation on the home page in the bottom right, works good for me, but I wouldn't mind a nice gui graphing app too. This looks like it might be worth a try as well



  7. Hi, I've lurked around here for a long time, I guess I could start actually posting :P I have the summer off then I'll be busy with school work again this fall. Majoring in physics, looking to get into astronomy this summer, but the weather here isn't exactly ideal for skywatching. I really like the idea of building communites, sharing education, help, creative works, and information freely, but I haven't got very involved with anything, so I hope I can start a little bit. A forum like this is exactly where you can do that. I apologize in advance if I ever upset anyone here. ;)

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