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  1. This is referring to a specific study with a large sample size.
  2. https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2014cosp...40E1114G/abstract#%3A~%3Atext%3DIt was shown statistically that%2Ccomparison with quiet geomagnetic conditions Geomagnetic disturbances are fluctuations in Earth's magnetic field. Mechanism by how magnetic frequencies lead to heart attacks is discussed lower down in the article: Are hospitals kept updated on space weather so that they can plan accordingly?
  3. The second link says "Access Denied" when I click on it. What did it say? EDIT: Managed to find a cached version of it. It seems to be talking about radiation rather than the fluctuations in Earth's magnetic field, specifically how the radiation cannot harm us since the magnetic field protects us from it. The studies I linked were talking about how fluctuations in Earth's magnetic field during geomagnetic storms are responsible for the health effects, not radiation. The magnetic field is what prevents the radiation from reaching the surface but it is ultimately the fluctuations in Earth's magnetic field that are causing all these health effects.
  4. Seen a lot of news articles lately about upcoming magnetic storms and their impact on human health: https://www.msn.com/en-gb/health/familyhealth/magnetic-storms-in-january-2024-anticipating-impact-timing/ar-AA1m2YfQ?ocid=msedgdhp&pc=EdgeStart&cvid=2ac33d5b533f441398bc86eb57ce3bd0&ei=22 A lot of these articles mention how magnetic storms are bad for the heart.
  5. They simulated the geomagnetic field fluctuations on rats and found that the rats experienced more seizures the next day compared to control rats. https://aepi.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s42494-020-00019-9
  6. How do you explain all the studies I linked reporting associations between geomagnetic storms (which are defined as a disturbance time index of -50 nT or lower) and effects on the heart and other systems in the body? When multiple studies corroborate these types of findings it makes it harder for me to be convinced that correlation doesn't equal causation in the context of this topic. I understand correlation doesn't equal causation, but these studies are independent from one another, done by different authors in different countries in different organizations. I can't find any studies (or sources in general) saying that there is no association found between geomagnetic storms and negative health effects. The general scientific consensus seems to be that geomagnetic storms are harmful to health. When small studies started showing correlations between the full moon and health effects, other studies debunked them and said there's no link. I'm not seeing the same thing happening concerning geomagnetic storms causing health effects.
  7. The strength varies depending on where you are but the lower end is 25,000 nanoteslas, upper end is 65,000. Fluctuations greater than -50 nanotesla per minute are considered geomagnetic storms. The authors of these studies are not suggesting that Earth's static magnetic field is causing these effects, but specifically the fluctuations in the field. A fluctuating magnetic field induces currents in a conductor, known as magnetic induction. The idea is the fluctuating magnetic field during these geomagnetic storms induces currents in the body, affecting the heart and nervous system.
  8. The fluctuations in Earth's magnetic field during geomagnetic disturbances are measured in Nanotesla (nT). During a geomagnetic disturbance, the fluctuation intensity can vary depending on the severity of the geomagnetic storm. For mild storms, the fluctuations are a few tens of Nanotesla per minute. In a very severe storm, these fluctuations can be up to 500 nanoteslas per minute.
  9. https://blogs.biomedcentral.com/on-health/2019/09/19/geomagnetic-disturbances-and-cardiovascular-mortality-riskutm_sourcebmc_blogsutm_mediumreferralutm_contentnullutm_campaignblog_2019_on-health/ ''Our results may be explained through the direct impact of environmental electric and magnetic fields produced during GMD on the human autonomic nervous system. Interactions between GMD and the autonomic nervous system are likely to induce a cascade of reactions in the body's electrophysiology that culminate in the collapse of organ functions and death.'' Weird how no less than a few years ago scientists were assuring people that non-ionizing magnetic fields were harmless to people (remember scientists debunking the 5G conspiracy theories?) but now, all of a sudden, they are saying that even Earth's magnetic field is killing us. What is going on? Why the sudden 180?
  10. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S2214552420300080 - Peer reviewed. https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/JAHA.120.021006 - Journal of the American Heart Association https://biomedscis.com/fulltext/the-effects-of-solar-activity-and-geomagnetic-disturbance-on-human-health.ID.000203.php https://www.newscientist.com/article/dn13769-does-the-earths-magnetic-field-cause-suicides/ https://www.newscientist.com/article/2324402-solar-storms-may-cause-up-to-5500-heart-related-deaths-in-a-given-year/ There are links to magnetic storms and schizophrenia and even Alzheimer's https://biomedscis.com/fulltext/the-effects-of-solar-activity-and-geomagnetic-disturbance-on-human-health.ID.000203.php https://blogs.biomedcentral.com/on-health/2019/09/19/geomagnetic-disturbances-and-cardiovascular-mortality-riskutm_sourcebmc_blogsutm_mediumreferralutm_contentnullutm_campaignblog_2019_on-health/ ''Our results may be explained through the direct impact of environmental electric and magnetic fields produced during GMD on the human autonomic nervous system. Interactions between GMD and the autonomic nervous system are likely to induce a cascade of reactions in the body's electrophysiology that culminate in the collapse of organ functions and death.'' https://aepi.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s42494-020-00019-9 Earth's magnetic field allegedly causes seizures too. It is theorized that this is because when Earth's magnetic field fluctuates, it messes up the pineal gland, causing all sorts of issues. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geomagnetic_storm
  11. This recent news story, published 2 hours ago popped up on my MSN https://www.msn.com/en-gb/weather/topstories/strong-magnetic-storm-raging-on-earth-and-will-last-for-several-days/ar-AA1lJLAH?rc=1&ocid=winp1taskbar&cvid=a1612a7a07bb44a0e7e28844b28de6f6&ei=10 The past week I keep seeing new news articles posted every day about solar flares/geomagnetic storms, and most of the ones I've seen on my MSN news feed go on about how magnetic storms are causing all these health effects. I've never heard about magnetic storms causing health effects until a few days ago and I've read about solar storms a lot in the past.
  12. All of a sudden, out of nowhere, within the past three years, there have been a myriad of studies all saying that fluctuations in Earth's magnetic field causes heart attacks and other heart problems, due to Earth's magnetic field disrupting the heart's electrical activity. Pretty much every serious health problem you can think of has been correlated with geomagnetic storms. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S2214552420300080 https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/JAHA.120.021006 https://biomedscis.com/fulltext/the-effects-of-solar-activity-and-geomagnetic-disturbance-on-human-health.ID.000203.php https://www.newscientist.com/article/dn13769-does-the-earths-magnetic-field-cause-suicides/ https://www.newscientist.com/article/2324402-solar-storms-may-cause-up-to-5500-heart-related-deaths-in-a-given-year/ I've even seen studies linking fluctuations in Earth's magnetic field (geomagnetic storms) with the incidence of seizures, schizophrenia, and even Alzheimer's. So, what about MRI machines? The magnetic field of an MRI machine is a whopping 100,000 times stronger than Earth's, and the fluctuations are much more violent. By comparison, the fluctuations of Earth's magnetic field during even the most severe geomagnetic storms are measured on the order of a few hundred nanoteslas per minute and don't even affect pacemakers.
  13. When I saw the articles it reminded me of the so called "Lunar Effect" as well, but instead of the moon it's the sun, and instead of "tidal forces" it is "Schumann resonances" and magnetism. The Lunar Effect has been talked about for ages. I'm wondering why all of a sudden there seem to be studies cropping up within the past 2-3 years making claims that geomagnetic storms cause pretty much every health problem imaginable. They're done by different authors in different countries, but they always seem to use the same terms and focus on Earth's magnetic field as the culprit for all these negative effects on the human body. First time hearing of "heliobiology" as well, which is apparently what this field of science is.
  14. The 5,500 figure is for US deaths only, not worldwide. I just did a quick experiment by rapidly waving a fridge magnet across my heart and also my head. Nothing happened despite a fridge magnet being hundreds of times stronger compared to the Earth's magnetic field. For some odd reason my heart didn't stop despite the studies I linked in my OP suggesting that a much weaker field (Earth's) moving much more slowly has such catastrophic effects on human health. I wonder why the much more powerful fridge magnet had no effect on me?
  15. What about this? https://www.newscientist.com/article/2324402-solar-storms-may-cause-up-to-5500-heart-related-deaths-in-a-given-year/ They're saying magnetic fields from geomagnetic storms can disrupt the heart causing thousands of deaths a year.
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