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  1. OKay, it goes in the trash. this place is for sociopaths anyway. have i met science? are you all retarded? Look at your comments. You are like Trump's offspring
  2. I believe that slang is a subliminal interpretive excuse, which everyone uses from time to time. The reasons people start saying slang are different for different people, and it's not something that can be courteously generalized. English, as well as any language, cannot completely convey what is on the human mind. Even if so, time would pass, rendering it disturbing. There are 2 ways we in America (from my recollection) know of the term slang: 1) in a cussing verbal expression 2) as a pseudonym to another word or similar meaning. People and Slang: Slang 1) "darn", "gawd", "ow" These are rough translations of what could come out of our mouths naturally, for various obvious reasons. Slang 2) a) Can be derived from a singular use, as jargon (Jawn or Ass), where it methodically propagates throughout society. b) can be derived immediately by not being able to come up with a suitable word. The word could fit into an impossible sentence that someone wants to state appropriately. c) could be culturally related, where several people do not identify with the local lingo; and therefore devise replacement lingo. [English language] This is the most common form of slang.
  3. There wouldn't be any evidence with something like the Sun, that occurs progressively, coinciding with our lifestyles. 1) we aren't questioning it 2) it isn't an apparent threat 3) it wouldn't be apparent 4) at night, the sun is down, which would allow us to forget. 6) there's no incentive for someone to look into something that cannot first be identified. We aren't going to question the world we can comfortably live in. The ecosystem cannot be quantified 100%, as been the obvious notion...since someone looked. I looked up the ozone molecules, and that would be impossible. I'm wrong there, admittedly. One other thing I'd like to bring up and ask you guys about, is why my parents Mercury thermometer broke in the late 90's. If we look into real-feel, and ambient temperature... I think that could lead to something. If it is indeed different, more, or less solar radiation penetrating our atmosphere, then we would want to know that it's safe.
  4. Blackholes are like a rift. You can't wrinkle a sheet and have a perfect rectangle still. Because that sheet is wrinkled, there is air between teh bed & the motion of physics initially involved. But, still... without what you know-- there is always another factor which constitutes for what we do (see) know. There are so many of these types of things occurring in space, on a cosmic scale. All of the 'blackholes' are the sum of unaccounted for (empty spaces), which must be ultimately accounted for. Empty spaces may be inferred to mean, caused by energy. Therefore, there are no gaps in succession of 'space', at a level of our comprehension. In addition to this, many of these blackholes developing cannot possibly equate perfectly to a current and perfect balance, except but once in a blue moon. Therefore, we have a distorted and spaced-out (various blackholes) amount of 'negative' energy. We may as well refer to that as 'dark matter'. If enough 'dark matter' is accumulated, yet unaccounted for... the accounting must prevail. So a star may be born, particles accumulating-- or a star may implode. I would refer to these causes of action in space as 'cosmic vibrations'. [I'm guessing that this is similar to the development of String Theory] This is Foster Theory
  5. Global Warming (technology [cars etc.]) disrupted a well-synchronized ecosystem. The ecosystem includes atmosphere and ocean. This slowed down the earth's core, thus weakening the magnetic field & cutting apart the magnetosphere. The ozone layer isn't healing, but rather is collecting in pressure gradients across the globe (maybe?) Not gravity (pressure). such as teh beach. A distinctively different atmosphere can't focus out so many cosmic rays: weakened magnetic field & global warming. Therefore, (also because there's much less refraction than there would be) harsher wavelengths or radiation is hitting the ground (us). This would explain why it feels cool and is cool, but under the sun it's extremely different than it used to be. Another theory is that the use of electricity prevented an ongoing cohesive ecosystem. *example: alot of static electricity in the air or wavelengths crossing... prevented lightning strikes, thus no cloud formation or storms/weather. What do you think? (aside from how does global warming slow down the rotation of the earth)
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