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Everything posted by Njwythe

  1. Is there anything I can read that gives a a simplified explanation of GR I honestly don't understand the math portion of theoretical astrophysics
  2. Okay I understand that but I am working on the theory that there is an energy transfer created when you have any Mass moving so I'm more talking about the byproduct of gravity then gravity itself. If that makes any sense to you
  3. Meaning that in my mind at least I do not believe gravity is a constant but it is like an ocean where it has waves of high peaks and low peaks now like I said at the beginning no scientific background but curious about cause and effect The reason behind my question is I was thinking that if you could find the central location of where these waves from three or more masses intersect you could create a power generator at that point using the ebb and flow of gravitational energy to create power probably the dumb idea but I thought it was fun thinking about
  4. Okay the way that I understand gravity is Mass plus Centrifugal force plus rotational force = gravity. Now when you spin a top and the top has even a little inconsistency in its shape the top is going to create a energy wave. on Earth that energy wave comes in the form of a higher directional air flow aka wind with larger items aka the Earth we are not in we are not perfectly shaped for spinning so that means that we tilt and wobble as we wobble gravity being pressed outwards should ebb and flow not by a drastic amount but by an amount. Were a sun going supernova or a planet being destroyed would create tsunami sized event. I hope you understand what I mean
  5. Hi my name is Nick. I have absolutely zero scientific background. But I run things through my head every once in awhile, the latest thing that I was running through my head was gravitational pulsation waves. I searched it up on the internet which sadly is my main source of information. But the only thing I could find on it was tsunami sized events when I'm more interested in is the normal pulsation / waves that are created by the abnormalities of gravitational generators. If anybody knows of anything I can read to get an understanding I would greatly appreciate it.
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