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  1. I dont know how to calculate my ph, But i did another test on a pice of tumeric root and it turned pink also, Must be some contaminants in my hci or something else, Found another test for metanil yellow but in pigeon peas https://www.studyrankers.com/2016/06/test-the-presence-of-starch-and-metanil-yellow.html
  2. Ok thank you for your help and time, I will go and buy another brand of tumeric and test it, I forgot to mention that if i add water to the solution it goes back to light yellow
  3. Yes i tried my curcumin extract supplement and got the same result
  4. Its from my grocery store, I added tumeric to a container of hci not hci to tumeric if that matters, i took 2 picutures, second picture is with more tumeric added
  5. Hi, Sorry if my english is bad, I read that tumeric can be tested for Metanil yellow with hydrocloric acid, I used 30% hcl and added some tumeric and it turned pink, Added some more and it tured red :/ does my tumeric contain Metanil yellow?
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