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Everything posted by startfrombasic

  1. gd day to all out there. basically the land i am in, no heavy duty or even medium firepower chem is allow. imagine going to get permit with local auth for get hcl at 37% con. best con is at 8.3 from a cleaner. my logic to get high con for hcl is to bubba more hcl in. no high con for sulfuric acid...so making 1...damn reducing water by heating i do not know my current con for battery water...able to guess? white fume signal when reflux= ??? what con i do a bath...started water and it seem long... replace oil. acceptable. got a reflux adaptor with no condenser and some glass ball bearing from martell bottles during clubbing sessions in the acid. <----any effect with condenser since u r going to get water only...maybe keeping it as distilled water. save money. btw a bit wasteful if i added dehying agents..a lot of water is coming out:mad: haha. last qn....common salt without deiodined printed...can i assume that it is not iodinize? if not my hcl bubbling will be gone... pls advise..and comment for wrong setup
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