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Everything posted by Kurious12

  1. This is something that I can't confirm nor deny. I do find this to be very interesting because there were two tiny fossils found inside of this pyrite, but scientist could not explain the state of preservation they were in, one I was told dates back to 200 million years and the other could not be identified at all. Thanks for the articles, I will indeed read those again.
  2. I had an edx analysis done on one of these framboids a while back and these appear to be made mostly of carbon. I have come across a lot of other strange microscopic structures in this pyrite, some look metallic, but all appears to be made mostly of carbon so, I can't help but wonder if all of this stuff is somehow related.
  3. Some super massive blackholes can be the size of our entire solar system, so wouldn't matter have to travel faster than the speed of light to reach its center in just a matter of seconds?
  4. This sounds like a good ideal, there is only one or two items that I'd care to name, the rest I'll leave to the experts. Thanks.
  5. Lots of good answers here, I've learned something from all of them. One of the reasons I was curious about this is because of what was found when we got a close up look at Pluto, it was thought to be a very cold and dead planet because of its distance from the sun, but that turned out to be very wrong. Something is pumping a bit of heat into the planet, and I would bet it has something to do with its relationship with its oversized moon.
  6. I read that Mars core cooled a long time ago because the planet was small, and Venus's core cooled because of its slow rotation. Does our moon have any affect at all on the Earth's core? Could the size of our moon play a role in keeping the core hot?
  7. I've come across more than one specimen that appears to be unknown, but I don't think I'll be naming anything anytime soon. I don't know squat about phenotypic/genetic/ecological traits, and I suck at writing so count me out.
  8. Yeah, thanks for the article, this helps a lot.
  9. Cool, so the composition of the cloud it forms from plays a role in its formation.... thanks
  10. I have a very odd piece of pyrite that appears to be littered with microscopic spheres. I have read a host of articles about pyrite but can't seem to find anything that can even began to explain how or why this happened. Some of the crystals have spheres embedded halfway in them and I've crushed a few crystals and found spheres inside them. Has anyone every come across anything like this?
  11. If someone stumbles across a life form that is total new to the world, who gets to name that life form?
  12. Compared to the size of the Earth the sun is massive but there are stars out there that would reach out to the orbit of Jupiter if they were where our sun is. I read that when our star reached a certain size it started fusion at the core and then stopped growing because it will start to blow all the gases away that it was feeding on. Most stars are born in a cloud of gas and dust that can be light years across so there's no end of material to feed on while growing. With that in mind what determines how small or large a star will become during its birth?
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