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El ghazi Imad

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Everything posted by El ghazi Imad

  1. Hi every body , here a solotion for the Collatz conjecture. If there is any comment , question or critic i ll be happy to discuss it (even if i am more frocophone than anglophone) https://vixra.org/abs/2201.0186?ref=13256079
  2. Hi everyone, I hope someone will be kind enough to approve my article titled: Probabilistic solution for the Syracuse conjecture on Arxiv (combinatorics and number theory). Here is the link for the article. Thank you very much in advance Sorry the link!!!!! (deleted)
  3. here is a solution https://vixra.org/abs/2201.0186
  4. https://vixra.org/abs/2201.0186 Hi every body , here a solotion for the Collatz conjecture. If there is any comment , question or critic i ll be happy to discuss it (even if i am more frocophone than anglophone)
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