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Everything posted by RussianCowboy

  1. USA IN THE BIBLE PROPHECY This is my worldview for the things. 1 "And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon." Rev.13:11 And if the waters are the nations(see Rev.17:15) coming out of the earth logically it is far away from the world. And if the Lamb is a symbol of Jesus, the dragon is a symbol of the enemy of Jesus Christ. And if these beasts symbolize politic-ideological powers in the world, which is this country that arrives in the world history scene as a nation puritan believers. And which is this country that creates more and more wars and perversions around the world. Christian believers who little by little are decreasing and are persecuted more and more.In Europe and in USA. USA is a cold heart."In God they trust" or "I must go". Due conflicts of character-religious basic the president of USA Barack Hussein Obama was forced to legalize the dark forces. "America is no more christian nation." - said he before 10-15 years ago. Maybe that is a right chess move.And not so stupid. At the end of the ends even if we search in the teachings of the Bible they rather be legal. And in Europe they are also legal.And if they are persecuted, they becames more powerfull. Legal or not they will continue to exist and rule till the end of the world. "The land of the free and the home of the brave" One my very good friend who I haven't seen many years told me one day "The christian faith is for the weak". For me the true recklessly-brave and radicalists are the people who don't love Jesus. "The christians are not very smart" he told me. And professor Ulian Vuchkov(1935-2019) was saying the same while he was alive. I am agree that the dark teachings are 100% more powerfull than the christian believer. And more victorious. All devils!This is Jesus Christ! "I am dieing you to be free from the death!" Everybody a little or more is a beaten card.He came to save us from the shackles of sadness...and ...the death. "With death death wins - and gave life to the dead in the graves." "let him remember the days of darkness; for they shall be many."Eklisiast 11:8 "How a very little time we are alive and how many we will be death." - said my friend Ivan the Vanner who was lived as a cowboy.He is already not alive. He died 55-60 years old.Or they helped him to die. I couldn't to understand what happend.But even to this day I am still hearing his words.Then I was 21-years old and his words made me freeze. But this is Jesus Christ.The crucified King of glory. And nobody can save like Jesus. "but he that believeth not(in Jesus) is condemned already." John 3:18 The eternal ideology of the good - to go the peoples who lost and they to beat you becouse you loves them. No matter who is christian,muslum,jew,pagan,atheist. In this colossal-titanic collision of the bad luck and the lack of believe in yourself versus these who are always with luck and are always "more noble than you".They are the "needed of the society". And YES! Jesus died to save you, but here... ...even He can't save you from this that conquers you! And in this collision of the beaty.queer,crazy,the new, not-strategically and heroically you have an enemies and people who are not so bad.And apart of this that your friends are in danger.And as I always said - the enemy is not stupid to loose. Let's go back to the first days of humanity.Cain killed Abel. I don't think Abel was danger for Cain. "Such is the power of virtue that as soon as it ascends, it begins to be bloodily persecuted." moto of Don Kihotes. "And if the rabbit doesn't eat the wolf, the wolf will eat the rabbit." And the war starts somewhere inside of you and continues ethnic,political,ideological and teritorial war.Immediately after the arriving in the human history in Ancient Roman Empire have started conflicts. Christians were persecuted centuries becouse they loved Jesus. The dirty trick became more and more day by day. For somebody the christianity as a worldview is a heart of the fear. For me these people who deacreased too many in USA or are already old from these movies from the 90-es were the true heroes of the humankind. They were heart of fire faithfly-ideological fighters for the beaty and romantic.Mel Gibson,Bruce Willis,Patrik Swayze ,Tupac Shakur,Malcolm X,Martin Luther King,Ronald Reagan, Shawn Michaels,Silvester Stallone and... ...Apolo Creed. Let we don't forget Apolo. But the prophecy of the Bible manages to predict a lot. This ram will start to look like ram but already will speak differently.Maybe again will sound justice and heroically but there is no... ...the acts of love and self-sacrifice. "Show must go on" but "The show must stop when is dirty". But the prophecy of Revelation chapter 13 continues. More extremely.See. "And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed." Rev.13:15 Oh!This we know from these movies from the 90-es. Next. "And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads." Maybe this is ocult-psychological trick with which they destroys your psyche.Fears.Pain.Red face. Genialial provocations that will send you to the bottom And the most awfull mentally sickness is Dissociative personal disorder. This is the sick of Adam.You think you are God. Or that you are clonated.Or you don't know what to do with your life.We inherit this illness and by genetical reasons becouse traced back we reach our first parents and their sons Shem, and Ham, and Japheth. The Serpent and his folowers will war versus more normal and noble people.The snake with his hipnotize-psychological tricks. And coldness.And fastness.And combinativity.And... ...PRIDE. Holy orthodox church saints always taught us that the pride must be defeated with humbliness. "The power of the weakest demon is such that it can only destroy the whole world with its finger." - orthodox church saints. "Even God can't help you!" I am agree with the proverb "When somebody is too much to be saint even he is not good in the eyes of God." And another "The wise mens always tought that we must awoid extremes." You have one heart and one way - follow them. After all, these stars from the 90s always wanted to give you an example for beaty and heroism. And if this way leads you to the prudent robber and you take him down from his cross, the next is when you are in danger something will save you. "Every action has a reverse direction and an equal counteraction." 3rd law of Newton For me this sound more like a spiritual law.Or like inner ideology. Is there more heroic ideology from this to pick up the fallen one? Naturally, the enemy forces also simulating to have fallen. The evil so many simulates the good that this confusion - will be more and more to the end. This comes "Chaos rising." And in the chaos-muddy water is the most easy to catch fish. The strong owning the chaos.The strong of the day. The dog drags - no traces.Do you follow my think? There is some big secret that Roger Morneau couldn't succed to learn but I know a little information so check are my words true. "If you drink water - think for the source." - chinese proverb "Think fast!" Do you follow my think? Something big is swirling in the dark forces. Is there a more noble ideology of the beaten card? And this that is the most weak is the most strong. And after all Don Kihotes lives(outlives) his enemies although they sent him to the dump of the life. And they wasn't simulating that are bad to make him hero.They were bad. Exactly money mathematical accounts Don Quixote can not do.He has a heart.Not smartness. And in the countries where lives Don Quixote are more sunny. Let we to say and "I must go." but for me "Zdravo brato" (serbian -Hello brother) is more good. 2 Is the Pope the Antichrist? The sevent day adventists saying that the Pope is the Antichrist from the Rev. chapter 13. They quates you "Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God." from 2 Thesalonians. First of all I must say that everybody f*** with the Pope.He is a victim of the humankind. All of them are humble.Yes they are rich people but this richness don't make them happy. And they don't want to be rich. The meetings with politics. They are near the world elite but they knows that these politics are hypocrise. John Paul 2,Ratzinger,the argentinian Pope they are all beatifull hearts.Sins have everybody.Me.You. Them.Everybody. So let the Seventh day adventist church to stop to etiquette them.They also hates USA. 3 Who is the 1st beast? If the second beast is USA then who is the first beast? "And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy."Rev.13:1 This beast is Pagan and medieval Rome who persecuted the christians. The seven heads are the seven hills of Rome. Catholic church didn't persecuted protestants and orthodox.But in every church there are phariseans.And in every nation. The true catholic doesn't have the power to persecute somebody.If he has this power I ll be happy. 4 Loyalty for which they can kill you In 1996 18 years old russian boy Evgeni Radionov was caprured in the night by many chechens. They said to him "You axcept Islam or you will die". In fact they are not muslum believers.Muslum origin - yes. But they are not muslum believers. Just they envying Radionov becouse he is more beautifull, powerfull and smart of them. "Such is the power of virtue that as soon as it ascends, it begins to be bloodily persecuted." "If somebody catch the way of genialicallity - even his followers will try to kill him with rocks" - the best philosopher Marc Aurelius 5 The future of the world "Then was the iron, the clay, the brass, the silver, and the gold, broken to pieces together, and became like the chaff of the summer threshingfloors; and the wind carried them away, that no place was found for them: and the stone that smote the image became a great mountain, and filled the whole earth." GOLD - Babylon SILVER - Persia BRASS - Macedono-Greece IRON - Roman empire CLAY - criminality,perversion,mafia The today world POTTER CLAY - treachery "And they took counsel, and bought with them the potter's field, to bury strangers in."Matthew 27:7 THE ROCK - the Second coming of Jesus THE MOUNTAIN - heavenly kingdom and the saved people The wind carried them away, that no place was found for them - these people will be punished by the Judgement day When I was a child i have seen many people to hate and beat me. I thought then "Maybe the human nature is bad and the circumstances made them bad." "Maybe they are not so bad." But the Bible teach us - that they are bad! I wondered many times how is it possible to have people who goes to hell?But yes unfortunatelly these people exist. And they are too many everywhere around the world. 6 North and South king The north king is USA and EUROPE.The south king is Turkey.And maybe this is also all the muslum nations. But in the Bible is predicted that the north and south king will be punished by the nature. Becouse the north king don't care for nobody. The south king is very cruel. These muslum nations are phariseans. They persecuting not only christians but even another muslums.And they are the best warriors unfortunatelly. All my life I have beaten with the local turks and I know they agressive, cruel,pridefull and revengebule character. Ancient byzantine warriors says "The Saracens(turks,arabs) are the most sly and powerfull fighters." And they war versus them 1000 years. 7 Who is the Antichrist? First of all I want to say that the antichrists are too many. "They went out from us, but they were not of us."1 John 2:19 "Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number [is] Six hundred threescore [and] six."Rev.13:18 I don't think that i am smart or wise.This man is coded.The Antichrist is not The Undertaker or the catholic Pope. 6 6 6 means that he is a killer The orthodox and evangelists teach that Antichrist will come in Jerusalem and will be in the temple.And burn fire from the heaven.This is not true theology. "And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men."Rev.13 This is the war fire of USA.They made more than 300 wars around the world. Wesley Clark USA maybe thinks "He is funny but he doesn't know what a evil b**ch I am" The smiled Wesley Clark the cool american citizen who with this cool smile killed 6000 peoples of which 2000 childs in Serbia before 21 years ago. Yes we know the antichrist is american, he is fire war, he is human.He is not the devil.But is very cruel. So who is the man that gave the stonecold command for killing the serbia orthodox childs?"We defended our values" he said. "I will **** these orthodox ****** (I am so sorry for the uncensored words but I think that this was in his head) Be healthy,happy and always positive. 06.08.2021 All rights protected by scienceforum.net
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