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Everything posted by Julia14

  1. Update in case anyone is reading: eeg came back normal. My running theory now is perhaps my eyes are sensitive to light and when a change of light occurs those dots appear. My dr still wants to prescribe me migraine medication but I won’t do that since like I said I get no head pain
  2. Hi everyone, Glad to see this forum is still going! I have also been experiencing for the past few months now a blue dot in my vision. I feel it’s important to say that I’m 18 years old with 20/20 vision, so I don’t think it’s related to any sort of macular degeneration. It comes and goes in a second, is always in a different spot in my vision, and doesn’t move. Like everyone has said, it seems to come on randomly. I recently saw an ophthalmologist and my results were all normal. I then had an MRI and those results were normal too. In a couple days I’m going to take an EEG, which I expect to me normal tbh but I can update regardless. All I can really say is maybe it’s because of looking at screens all the time? I mean before the pandemic I had a desk job, during the pandemic I had online school and go on my phone a lot on top of that so maybe my eyes aren’t used to looking at a screen for as long as I have? This is the only logical explanation I can come up with. My doctor thinks it’s an ocular migraine but I don’t get headaches at all. Even when I tell her this it’s the only explanation she can come up with; I don’t think that is the case. Anyway I’m glad I stumbled upon this page because no one else I know seems to have this issue (which is why I am very much uncertain about the screen reasoning cuz I know I’m not the only one staring at them a lot)
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