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Doctor Derp

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Posts posted by Doctor Derp

  1. 49 minutes ago, CharonY said:

    Telomeres have no protective properties over other stretches of DNA. 


    The above claim can be disproven by a quick google search.



    Located at the tips of each of our 46 chromosomes, telomeres help protect DNA and are particularly important during cell division. Telomeres have received a lot of notoriety due to their relationship with aging. These protective structures shorten with each cell division, exposing DNA to potential danger. In time, telomeres get too short to shield DNA. That’s when cells stop working, function poorly or, even worse, develop disease.



  2. On 8/1/2022 at 1:47 PM, Erina said:


    Some points that may be of interest:



    -1 gram of methane can trap as much thermal energy in the atmosphere as 30 grams of carbon

    -Melting permafrost releases frozen methane into the atmosphere aka "methane burps"

    -Over the last 2,000 years humanity has chopped down more than 50% of forests in the world, reducing the capacity of trees to store or sequester carbon


  3. It has been claimed that hard drive data was recovered.

    From HDDs in the world trade centers post 9/11.

    As well as HDDs in the space shuttle challenger after its unfortunate incident.

    I remember reading news stories published about both of these cases in years passed.

    If data is recoverable after those incidents, I wouldn't expect etching cream to have much of an effect.

  4. 7 minutes ago, zapatos said:

    Then the polite thing to do would be to provide it when asked.

    But since he didn't make that claim, you are the only one here that is still expected to provide some evidence.

    Please Note: As this is a science site, the culture is such that when asked to provide evidence, a citation, etc. for a claim, you are expected to do so. It allows others to verify claims and learn new things. Asking for evidence is not an aggressive move, it is standard practice and accepted by all.



    You're both upset due to remarks I made in the religion section.

    You're following me. Being passive aggressive troublemakers.

    Your behavior is childish and pathetic. 

    You both should both be ashamed of yourselves.

  5. On 7/11/2022 at 4:25 PM, Trekkie_DFW said:


    I saw something on a show..a Korean rom com, of all things...about telomere length and aging, and after researching it, I want to know--isn't that the real cause of aging?


    AFAIK telomeres are caps which protect the integrity of DNA data. 

    Damage to telomeres can be accelerated by exposure to pollution, radiation, sunlight, toxins, etc. 

    As telomere protection is worn away. Genetic data in DNA becomes more susceptible to damage and corruption. Causing cell replication to become more inaccurate and abnormal.

    Its not actually the telomeres shortening that affects aging. But their shortening does provide a reduction to their protection of genetic info.

  6. On 4/9/2022 at 8:44 PM, anarukisaki said:

    Melbourne University has recently received a philanthropic gift of $5 million to begin work on trying to revive the now extinct Tasmanian Tiger.

    There are many doubters on whether this is possible, but many refuse to provide concrete reasoning to their doubts. People are even claiming its 100% impossible (again, no concrete reasons given).




    If the tasmanian tiger were resurrected.

    It would need a minimum population size of 500 to 1,000.

    Each would need a different genetic makeup to overcome abnormalities associated with inbreeding.

    The technical obstacles associated with this are 100% impossible to overcome with current technology.


  7. If I remember correctly, this is a very old concept.

    It was first proposed in an effort to explain a negative trend where long distance marathon runners suffered elevated levels of cardiovascular and heart issues. 

    They tried to approach the topic from different angles. Maybe the tendency of long distance runners consuming greasy or oily food like pizza was partly responsible? Perhaps there was another cause? 

    While a moderate amount of exercise could be healthy. It is also possible than exercise in extreme excess could stress human biology in ways which are unhealthy.

  8. On 8/13/2022 at 5:10 PM, kenny1999 said:

    In the South East regions of China, there have been a saying or legend for long time that excessive sex or masturbation will cause harm to one's kidney and vice versa, someone with an unhealthy kidney will have sex problems. For many years, there are also all kinds of supplements here sold legally which are advertised to improve men's kidney health or sex health and the terms kidney and sex are often put together and they are not selling badly.

    For long, I really hope to be clear, if there is any relationship between sex health and kidney's health, from the medicine point of view?


    Those claims stem from what is known as TCM. Traditional chinese medicine. Which strongly correlates with acupuncture, etc.

    I have often wondered if those claims are true. My personal experience is doing the opposite of what TCM recommends that people do.

    Western medical science does correlate kidney function with sexual function. But I think the correlation is more chemical and biological in western medicine.

    Wheras in TCM the correlation was arrived at using a different process.

  9. On 3/12/2022 at 6:12 PM, nec209 said:

    Why so many people in west view medicinal herbs, herbal medicines , herbs , mushrooms less these days than in the past or other countries?

    It seems today medicinal herbs, herbal medicines , herbs , mushrooms are viewed has snake oil medicine or mixed results today.

    And medicinal herbs, herbal medicines , herbs , mushrooms are viewed less science than say chiropractic in the west where chiropractic is more popular there.



    Supplements claiming to contain essential oils have become increasingly fraudulent over time. Causing people see less benefit and decreased positive health effects from taking them. 

    Herbs like garlic are grown in less healthy conditions, using more toxic chemicals and farming methods. To where they're more likely to cause than improve negative health conditions.

    There are a long series of these trends which contribute to modern people failing recognize the medicinal contributions of plants.

  10. 29 minutes ago, Peterkin said:

    You wouldn't know accuracy if it ran you over with a Sherman tank.


    Mark Zuckenberg. CEO of facebook. Used to be an active and vocal atheist.

    He recently converted to christianity as have many others.

    I credit atheists like yourself who bring up sherman tanks.

    Rather than offering intelligent or honest discussion, for that change.

    Keep up the good work.

    If you continue to spam your irrational and illogical context negative atheist claims.

    Maybe you can alienate another 1 billion atheists to convert to christianity in addition to those you have already alienated.

  11. 1 hour ago, TheVat said:

    If you heard me make a statement about some other social group, ethnicity, or creed beginning with "the problem with [members of this group]..." and continue on with a blanket statement that betrayed ignorance of said group, you might well conclude that I was a flaming bigot.  No need to waste any more time with your ill-informed prattle.



    If an analysis of atheist arguments against religion were conducted. A high percentage of them would revolve around claims that were context negative for accuracy.

    Its not a blanket statement.

    Its a fact.

    You only need to look as far as Sam Harris and others distancing themselves from everything atheist to recognize it for what it is.


  12. 4 minutes ago, zapatos said:

    No, it isn't. I've never seen that definition, and since life is such a small part of nature it seems unlikely.

    If you are going to make such a claim without providing any evidence, please at least provide your reasoning.


    The definition I used is basic science.

    Organic crop fertilizer is dead and decaying plant and animal matter. Dead organic matter is recycled to provide life to new plants and crops.

    Do you need evidence for a point so basic and fundamental that it doesn't amount to much more than saying "water is wet".

  13. 14 minutes ago, Phi for All said:

    Oh sure, except for the many parts that don't. Leans in favor? Bet I can find more extremist behavior than you can find humble behavior in the Bible. It preaches moderation, but few of the characters actually practice it.

    I disagree that it IS a basic assessment, which should be far more objective. Moderate is what YOU consider it. It was not uncommon in biblical times for women to go topless. It wasn't considered immodest. In fact, there are more mentions in the B about women covering their heads than there are about covering their breasts. And try reading the Song of Solomon sometime. 

    Well, this is the Religion section, which makes this a religious discussion. 

    It's OK that you aren't interested in a POV that disagrees with yours. And I completely understand why it wouldn't interest you. But my points weren't inaccurate or off-topic, and I'd be happy to defend them for you, from Biblical times all the way up through more modern primogeniture practices. You can defend why you think sports influenced the biblical stance on nudity.



    I hadn't realized this thread was posted in the religious discussion section. 

    If you want I can prove everything you posted is extremely inaccurate. 

    Its basic context. You have unrealistic expectations where you expect those who lived 2,000 years ago to have the same views, values and ideology about modesty and moderation as people of today do.

    Breast feeding in the bible doesn't mean that hebrews did not believe in moderation. It simply means that breast feeding was cultural normalized by different circumstances and living conditions.

    During eras of the bible where israelites invaded other nations. Killed all the men. Claimed their women as spoils of war. The ratio of men to women became extremely lopsided. Which normalized polygamy and men having more than 1 wife. 

    During eras of the bible when the ratio of men to women was more even. Monogamy became the ideal to follow.

    The problem with atheists is they make zero effort to quantify these basic contextual paradigms. They simply expect people who lived 2,000 years ago to know and follow the same ideals and standards modern day humans do today. 

  14. Does the book of ezekiel in the bible describe spacecraft landings on earth?



    Ezekiel 1:4  I was amazed to see a wind storm blow[g] in from the north, consisting of[h] a massive cloud and fire that was flashing back and forth, surrounded by bright light. From deep within the cloud,[i] something was shining that appeared to have a color like bronze that had been placed in fire until it glowed.

    Deep inside it, the likenesses of four living beings were visible. Their appearances were similar to human forms, except that they each had four faces, four pairs of wings,[j] and straight legs. Their feet resembled calves’ hooves, but they gleamed like polished bronze. 

    15 As I observed the living beings, I noticed one wheel on the earth beside each being—that is, for the four of them.

     There was spread out over the heads of the living beings what looked like a canopy,[w] in outward appearance resembling ice,

    I also heard the sound of their wings, like the sound of roaring[x] water, like the voice of the Almighty, or like a boisterous crowd within an army camp. Whenever they stopped flying, they lowered their wings. 


    The early portion of ezekiel describes what sounds like a spacecraft landing. 

    There are massive clouds and fire which resemble thruster fire and smoke produced by rocket combustion engines. Wings and straight legs with wheels. A canopy similar to ice. Which is similar to glass. And finally a loud roar like the high pitched whine of a jet engine. After the rocket lands, its wings appear to retract like an F-14 for easier storage.



  15. People have a tendency to go overboard with topics like reincarnation.

    Nature is defined by a cycle where life and living things are constantly recycled, to produce new life.

    If people have a mystical energy force which might be labeled a soul or spirit. It would also be recycled to produce new souls/spirits.

    That it all that reincarnation means. 

  16. There is a basic 2 step theory to rebirth.

    Step #1  At the moment of death, the energy of all living cells in the body is converted into spiritual energy. Forming a spiritual body. Leaving behind only clothes, hair, fingernails and toenails. Essentially what jedi in star wars do.

    Step #2  After the spiritual body forms, all of the spiritual energy is converted back into living tissue to form a material body.


  17. 1 hour ago, Phi for All said:

    Biblical strictures against nudity stem from the world of sports? Seems a stretch, to me.

    Even jealousy and envy seem misplaced. Everything about the way women were treated in the Bible supports the concept that everything but their fellow men (and even them if you followed the laws) were possessions to men back then. So not jealousy or envy, but the pure greed of ownership and wanting to be taken seriously. They didn't want their women to be attractive to other men because they wanted to ensure that any offspring they support can only have come from their own loins, and that the heirs to their fortunes were legitimate.

    And beyond the inheritance, according to Deuteronomy 23:2, illegitimate children can't join any congregations, which probably means they can't get into heaven. And that lasts for 10 generations, so that's probably a big part of the whole "keep it covered" campaign. 

    Of course, the problem with the OP is that we can talk about sexual topics without having sex with each other, just like we can talk about death without killing someone. And we can talk about public nudity and how it impacts Christian morality without showing pictures of ourselves naked.


    The bible leans in favor of moderation and humility. Staying clothed and not showing off your health and physical attractiveness for the entire world to see is considered moderate behavior. While nudity and extremism would be more strongly correlated with liberalism.

    If you disagree with this basic assessment, I would be interested to know why.

    Aside from that, the rest of your points belong in a religious discussion and are too off topic (and uninterestingly inaccurate) to bother responding to here.

  18. On 9/24/2022 at 4:20 PM, we2 said:

    We have always been amazed that fellow Christians (and the general public) condemns public nudity when the Bible never once condemns it or names it as a sin. 

    we would love to get into a respectful discussion with anyone out there that agrees or disagrees. 




    I have known bodybuilders who go out in public with their shirts off.

    They're often accused of showing off and become magnets for envy and jealousy.

    In the world of sports, the most attractive athletes are often the biggest targets for hate.

    I think that's where the biblical teaching of not being seen in public nude stems from. On some level, it could be better to be seen fully clothed. Then to stir a pot of envy and jealousy that comes from others seeing health and attractiveness that cannot be their own.

    That said what do nudists think of reality shows like "Naked and Afraid". Do they support nudity in reality TV. Or is there another opinion that applies there.

  19. On 5/7/2022 at 2:36 AM, asd2791 said:

    Why did God create this life?



    Assuming that the spiritual world lacks logistical constraints of our material world. Assuming that the spiritual world lacks poverty and starvation. And is largely insulated from the harsh realities associated with needing food, water, shelter and other amenities for survival. 

    The introduction of a material world, with its greater trials and difficulties, would appear to carry some intent. 

    While many enjoy putting humanity down through focusing upon our own perceived flaws and shortcomings. It could be worthwhile to acknowledge that everyone alive today is an end product of millions of years of evolution. Even if we have not yet achieved the pinnacle of human existence as God intended. Perhaps another few million years will get us there.

  20. HTML is a system of tags used in internet text documents.

    That tell a browser how to format the content in webpages.

    It lacks logical operators and fundamental aspects of a programming language.

  21. 3 questions


    A  If a major manufacturing and robot self replicating hub were constructed on the moon. What alternative to petroleum based lubricants would it use.

    B  What alternative to petroleum or organic derived plastics would it utilize.

    C  Could hydrogen based combustion be utilized to generate thrust and fill the void left by lack of fossil fuel based alternatives. Is there a nuclear or thorium alternative which is viable.

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