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Boson Quark

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  1. So today I came across this https://www.facebook.com/groups/100386783434193/permalink/2032827933523392/?app=fbl claimed 1-page proof of the Riemann hypothesis on Facebook. After inboxing him, the OP confided that he had submitted his paper for formal peer-review to some journal. The argument has too much complex analysis for me to give a serious verdict, but I guess some of you guys do have the necessary expertise to do so.
  2. Sure. I e-mailed Kubalalika yesterday. Apparently, he has submitted his final draft (attached below) to some number theory journal for peer-review. Whilst we wait for the experts to pass their verdict, the proof looks quite okay to me...but i wouldn't bet my last dollar on it. Extraordinary numbers and the Riemann hypothesis.pdf
  3. It seems Motl's comments are on an earlier (2019) claimed proof of Kabalaika. The recent claimed proof seems to have a different approach to the one described by Motl. By the way, there is a revised version. https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.13838111 Indeed. The first version was a bit complicated for e to read, but i can certainly pass a judgement on the latest and much more elementary version https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.13838111. Will give it quick a read.
  4. I just came across this paper https://figshare.com/articles/preprint/Primorial_numbers_and_the_Riemann_Hypothesis/13838111, claiming to prove the Riemann Hypothesis. I'm not an expert on this subject, but the proof seems to be valid. I have also attached the file below. Primorial numbers and the Riemann Hypothesis..pdf
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