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  1. thanks! i think i figured it out though. Lets say i was moving close to the speed of light (not taking into account the whole mass change thing), then to me, everything would seem to slow down, and therefore, i would actually slow down. The faster you move, the slower your external and internal clock, which is why i would still be younger then a person watching me. My whole body wouldnt be moving at the same time it was when i wasnt moving, but would be working much slower, which is why einstein found that if he rode on a light beam, he would only see a still picture of a photon (i think it photons right?) of light. Thanks! (at least i think thats right)
  2. As a person moves faster, time is relative and slows down, but i was wondering if that was only for time around the person? As a person would near the speed of light, and time slow down around them, would time slow down in them? Would they themselves slow down, or would their body continue working at the same speed it always did?
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