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Everything posted by neoicon

  1. Hi, I have created a two player board game url deleted - rule 2.7 Thes problem is that AI is easily beatable. I used heuristics to find best move for the AI. The rules of game are as follows 1) 9 by 9 grid is divided into 9 grids of smaller 3 x 3 Tic Tac Toe boards. 2) Opponents move determines where the player has to make a move. 3) For each smaller 3 x 3 grid rules of nomal Tic Tac Toe apply 4) If the smaller grid is won then no move can be made in that grid 5) If the player is sent to such a grid then player can make move in any of the free 3 x 3 grids . My approach is not correct as I check difference between number of x's and 0's in a grid and some other parameters to find best move. If somebody can tell me how should I go about it, it would be nice. Thanks for your time
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