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Bartholomew Jones

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Everything posted by Bartholomew Jones

  1. Well put No. But people were, who had no complaints about the "inconveniences" of children and child-rearing. I use treated cloth for toilet hygiene. And I was often elected to change diapers, the modern less civilized way. Not yet, but I'm towards the use of free used cooking oil. Wow! You're blessed. Think of how much of the culture probably was lost. 10 deg celsius?
  2. I haven't. I'm learning names and so forth, and between tasks. I would not give up on something like that. I should pause longer. You're right. And I'm deliberate about leaving my phone at home usually no matter what. Maybe I should reconsider. I often seem intolerable because I stand seemingly defiant. My reactions are responses from one who resists most of the status quo, mostly as one; which I find imperative. It's not sufficient to have what's right for your own. Posterity is my neighbor.
  3. For example, disposable diapers are an enormous inconvenience in the longest terms.
  4. I know I'm going to incur more animosity from this...The way certain economies apply science is unjust. It actually makes people dumb. Hear me out. One of the richest cultural groups is pre-classical mediterranean cultures. No refrigeration. Why are refrigerated foods packaged airtight? Here's why. When left out they explode or implode, due to chemical change, giving the impression, bad! The fact is, bad dairy product is a fantastic yeast for sauerkraut for example. Just drop the cabbage in, salt, and do what you like. The Romans (in my opinion) only preserved what suited them of Mediterranean culture. Motive for dumbing people down? Constant refrigeration keeps people to the grindstone. (For example) I'm going to keep that a problem. As long as there's poverty, personal poverty shouldn't be your problem. As long as there's poverty, thinking you have something should ever be your problem. The only good you can leave to posterity is a better piece of ground.
  5. That's not an argument against Darwin. That's an unwillingness to accept, and a disinclination to argue.
  6. Physiologically it's like coconut water, right? I believe things evolve in general. The way he explains how people cultivate stronger breeds of creatures proves there's some sense of evolution. I don't believe one species evolves into another. I believe God created heaven and earth. The earth was hoped for in form, then God said, "Let..." And it took form. That's the essence of faith being substance.
  7. Thank you for sharing! (and sorry) I tapped a maple tree once just for the water. This year I'm going to collect a lot more, Lord willing. I almost started farming for honey, but decided to give more time before moving the hives I bought from a neighboring property from the roof. I thought maybe I was being overconfident. I've always been friendly with honey bees but this was new. But the bees depopulated the hives. The only manure I get to use in my compost is deer droppings I find when gathering amendment materials from the woods. So I guess we broke the ice?
  8. whoah! I can't keep up. I did a couple varieties of beans-- Bush and mung, I grew my first sunflower. I want to try corn. And I want to grow some tobacco along the railroad. I'm not a smoker but it's nice to have when someone asks for a smoke. I might just throw some on the fire when people gather around. I've done bell peppers. Most of what I've done i'll keep doing. Onions and garlic. I forgot basil that first year. I have apple, winter pear and maple scattered, for later.
  9. Sorry I underestimated you. Last year I was in jail for activism, and the year before during the harvests. The prior mayor, against whom I acted, is out of office now, and the new mayor apologized for the former mayor bulldozing my property twice when I was in jail, and he calls on me. My first arrest was just after my tomatoes started flourishing but not quite mature. I tasted one; it was perfect. I had probably 300 baby cucumbers that season on the vine when I was arrested. My beets weren't so nice. This next year watermelon is primary. Strawberries. Zucchini. Some others. I appreciate the scientific method as described earlier by swansont. It's many of the applications and conclusions I disdain, especially in terms of the theory of evolution. Science people, for example, often claim that science has proven that there's no Creator God, which is a blatant lie. They won't name the first basis of their "proof."
  10. Yeah, 3 times larger if you keep mass manufacturing and overprocessing everything. How many front and back lawns are mowed every week? A half dozen well-groomed tomato plants produce hundreds of tomatoes in one season. My lot is 115 by 30 ft. I work it myself without any utilities, without power tools/equipment. How many run down cities and blocks are there. How many condemned premises? There's infinite potential for land development.
  11. Actually I'm home, which is the right place. This device is a contraption I'm using for the time being. People who have nothing good to say usually are pretty good at extracting parts of a whole and attacking.
  12. I've stated several times how I use science. Please don't ask again: science is one very useful way of looking at nature. I look, get some semblance of a scientific perspective, then I step away, and do things by my best judgment. I don't attempt to apply scientific principle. I apply principles of natural discovery; which in my view, are of a higher order than science. Nature rewards me without scientific precision because nature is asymmetric. Science is useful to me the way hearing another person's music is useful to a writer or arranger of music. It's that simple. For example, Rothamsted published a collection of articles, 1975, Soil Microbiology, Norman Walker. With due care I discerned a principle the second article discusses (Margaret E. Brown), that being that the zone called by soil microbiologists, the rhizosphere (I call it the root zone), is rich with life--micro and other small organisms, flora and fauna. So I build layer upon layer of processing power by stacking my sod, upside down, 8 by 8 by 5. So the rain draining through my new mound is processed richly, organically. And my whole lot benefits as the elevated ground at the center delays the total drainage on my property. And it serves next spring as a site for crops.
  13. The general solution to trace element deficiencies is to buy something. My whole program is to resist adding products except minerals taken directly from the ground. My theory, a strong one, is that diversity of materials compensates for every deficiency.
  14. None. One season I didn't thirst much for water. I added table sugar which did stimulate my thirst.
  15. Did somebody answer the OPs question about a picture for the avatar?
  16. I only recognize swansont, zapatos and John cuthber so far. I wasn't really responding to you. I was responding to your statements. I recognize the names. No associations yet, besides those three and maybe two others.
  17. I don't go about it too scientifically. My theory, if you will, is the more you diversify, directly, and through composting--for example, different selections of moss, tree hummus and fungi fruit bases (mushrooms), from the woods, the richer your soil. Science gives me a fresh, temporary, view into it. Even if I don't quite get it, nature is assymetric; whether science is right or not, and whether I accept or reject the particular principle, nature rewards me. There's an old story among the ancient Hebrews about the man Jacob before his name was changed to Israel how nature rewarded him similarly with flocks.
  18. I'm responding to 1) your statement about how awful things were in the past, comparatively, including work; and 2) the general or a common attitude about work
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