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  1. I'm not asking for advice. I'm asking for other members who possibly have the same scenario happening and what their blood type is and if they are rh + or -. Thank you, moderator. Yes that is very helpful!! Thank you. One post actually has science articles and other information that directly relate to her situation. Very much appreciated!!
  2. I am researching a problem my friend has. Anytime she drinks water she feels nauseous. It doesn't matter what type of water. Tap, boiled, bottled, spring, reverse osmosis filtered, cold, warm, room temp., etc. ALL water makes her nauseated. Normally I would think she might have some kind of mental aversion but it turns out her mother also has this same exact issue. If you have this issue please comment. I would like to know your blood type and rh factor (-/+). Just being curious. Thank you.
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