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Everything posted by farsideofourmoon

  1. I disagree, we only know what we know now. At one point in our history people believed the earth was flat. We have moved beyond that. Today we believe the speed of light is the ultimate speed, tomorrow we may think otherwise. I honestly believe mankind will overcome the speed of light and at some point, in the far future we will travel the stars if and only if we do not destroy ourselves first.
  2. What was the average sea level in Athens, Greece 2,720 years ago? What was the average sea level in ancient Rome 2,420 years ago? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_theatre Ancient towns have been found that were built thousands of years ago when the towns were above sea level. My bet is the average sea level was at its lowers 2,720 years ago when most of the planet was covered in ice. The sea will continue to rise until the ice caps melt. Will NY be under water then? When the caps/glaciers melt, what will the average world sea level be considering the volume of the known ice caps today What will the sea level be when the ice caps melt? At the submerged date using the current rate of melt. When will New York, Miami, and other coastal lined cities be underwater? Anyone care to calculate the year when NY will be completely submerged? -?
  3. At some point in the future we will be visited by others in the cosmos if not already, we can then ask them how they got here. Until then one guess is as good as another (:-
  4. I agree that this is a far-off idea and yet it has generated some thoughts expressed here. Mankind will travel the stars unless we destroy ourselves first. You asked how we are going to slow down to near zero and I say we do not have to. Everything in outer space is in motion. All we must do is match that speed of the nearby object and once done we are at zero relative to the other object. I agree that using the pull of gravity of a far off galaxy is nothing less than farfetched but we do need to start thinking out of the box if we are ever going to get to where we want to go. Inventions do not come by chance. Someone got an idea that was far-fetched and turned it into a reality. Science fiction is a genre of speculative fiction that typically deals with imaginative and futuristic concepts such as advanced science and technology, space exploration, time travel, parallel universes, and extraterrestrial life. Wikipedia Fiction generally is a narrative form, in any medium, consisting of people, events, or places that are imaginary—in other words, not based strictly on history or fact. In its most narrow usage, fiction refers to written narratives in prose and often specifically novels, though also novellas and short stories. Wikipedia At 70 with little to nothing to do I come up with wild ideas and express them on talk boards like this one. My doctor told me that this is a healthy thing to do so I do it. There is no conclusion or end product to this discussion, it is just a way to express one’s thoughts. It’s been fun for as long as it lasted.
  5. Some day in the far, far future mankind will travel the stars; this is inevitable, it is in our genes. Believing this I have been contemplating how we get to where we want to go. I do not believe we can carry enough fuel to propel us, nor do I believe we could find the fuel we need along the way. Having said that the only choice we have is to use another source of energy that we have not considered before. That source of energy gravity. Gravity has an almost limitless power; it holds planets in orbit around our sun and solar systems together. I believe we need to find a way to use the pulling force of gravity to pull us in the direction we want to go. We lock on to the gravity waves of a far-off galaxy and let it pull us in that direction. The speed at which we travel will along this wave will increase exponentially exceeding the speed of light and beyond. Just a thought What's your thoughts on this-?
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