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Everything posted by djkfslgdljfghdjkfg

  1. But I can’t ignore it, I don’t just want to say ‘I’ll just see what happens’ because I’d feel incredibly guilty. I would accept the risk if I lived on my own, I really would. Even if it was proven by every study to cause brain cancer I would still use it, but I didn’t live in my own. If just want to protect them, I don’t know how I can Ignore it.
  2. Do you believe study? Where there any flaws with it or reasons not to believe it?
  3. I know however if I can minimise the risk that would be better. I mean, it isn’t practical not a have a car or have warmth, but I could live without a phone if it means that my family are safe.
  4. Wait hang on, so should I worry then? I mean, I live with my family and I’m definitely not going to use technology that could kill them.
  5. Here is a study that looked at 1498 cases and 3530 controls in a case control study. Is this reliable? Should I be worried? Study: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25466607/
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