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Posts posted by KspThings

  1. Thank you hypervalent_iodine

    I'm a "beginner" in organic chemistry. Do this reaction is simple and it's just to help me with that, not just in theory (and i have a bit of dioxane to use so..) But i know that it's not the best thing to start with because dioxane is carcinogenic and the 1,4 Dioxanyl-hydroperoxyde is potentially explosive..


  2. Hello ! 

    My question is quite simple, but it's very important.

    I am looking for the name of this molecule : (chek the attached file)

    It is a product made by the reaction of dioxygen and 1,4 dioxane and the only thing i was able to find on this is that this compund is naturally occuring 

    when dioxane is exposed to air or UV light.


    Thanks to your help.

    peroxyde dioxane.PNG

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