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  1. Einstein hated quantum theory because it doesn't use spacetime until observed.
  2. A realm of quantum field void was already here. Pure Energy and Magnetism created Dark Matter tunnels/filaments, then observation traveled through all the tunnels but doesn't observe all the Dark Matter as it passes through. The Dark Matter that is observed eventually forms galaxies. http://capturedlightning.com/photos/Magnetic_Tests/Result.jpg http://capturedlightning.com/photos/Magnetic_Tests/Uhlig1A.jpg The CMB is the farthest/oldest, and therefore Blurriest photo ever. It is showing us plasma filaments finalize as the cosmic web. The Universe isn't expanding, Cosmic voids do. Spacetime doesn't expand but does bend for gravity. Dark Matter bends spacetime but it isn't observed ..it doesn't have a physical state. The circumference of the universe enlarges as observation continues to run through the Dark Matter filaments. As it continues, void is distributed throughout all existing voids. Because these voids are of nothingness, they do not effect the momentum of spacetime regions. Light can travel through voids because it is the quantum field.
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