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Sijo George

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  1. Thank you for your immediate reply. I will go through the link. The book is available in amazon in the following link. I think you might like this book – "Humans are not from Earth: a scientific evaluation of the evidence (2nd Edition)" by Ellis Silver. Start reading it for free: Link advertising a horrible, horrible book removed by moderator, for the good of intelligent humans everywhere The book tried to convince that humans are evolved in another planet with a variety of thought provoking scientific arguments. But I do not know whether the arguments are true or have any scientific authenticity.
  2. Hello all, Recently I have read a number of good scientific arguments which says humans are not evolved on this planet. The book says we were droped off by aliens to our Earth. The arguments can be summarized as follows. But I am not sure whether the arguments are really true or not. It would be great if someone specialized in this subject can guide me to the correct path. 1. Humans are particularly sensitive to sunlight - something that other species are immune to. Reptiles make use of sunlight to regulate their temperature, but humans need to avoid spending long periods exposed to sun as it can make dizzy and cause heat stroke. Most of the other animals and birds have nictitating membrane which prevents their eyes from excess sunlight. Even ancient hominins had brow ridges to prevent their eyes from the same. This shows that humans are likely to have originated from somewhere where there was not as much sunlight. This also points out that our home planet might have existed at a larger distance from its star or it might have orbited very near to a different star like brown or red dwarf that emits softer light and less UV radiation. 2. Humans also suffer from a wider array of skin diseases and ailments than other animals, which points out to the another reason to believe we are from a less sunny planet where there is not as much UV radiation. 3. Researches also point to the fact that humans regularly suffer from bad backs, which says is due to the fact that we likely originally evolved on a planet with much lower gravity. 4. Humans were supposedly evolved in Africa. Even in africa during night, cold is very intense during night we need to wrap ourselves to prevent us from hypothermia and death. Thus Lack of body hair in humans when compared to other animals and birds may also point out to the fact that the humans are not well adapted to the earth's environment. This may point that humans might have been evolved in some other planet where day and night both would be comfortably warm with temperatures about the same. 6. Millions of us suffer from allergies such as hay fever. How can humans failed to adapt to pollen on Earth after millions of years of evolution if we are really evolved on this planet. 7. On Earth, many crops grow in seasons and food can be scarce at certain times of the year. It would make sense if our reproductive cycles fitted that pattern as other animals do. But we can reproduce all year round even in the middle of winter when hardly grows anything in temperate regions. This means our reproductive system is developed not with respect to the seasonal changes happening on earth. The fact that we have no mechanisms for coping with the seasons is bizzare if we were really evolved on this planet. Seasons exist on earth only because of the tilt of Earth's axis (23 deg). The inability of humans to cope with extreme seasonal changes may point out that our home planet doesnt have tilt on the axis or only to a slight degree. Also its orbit must be nearly circular. 8. Humans need to wear clothes inorder to protect our body from extreme temperatures of Earths environment. None of the other living creatures on this planet require this. This might be also one of the strongest evidence that we might not have evolved on this planet. 9. Geneticists are resonably certain that the reasonably certain that the genes for type 2 diabetes, long term depression, lupus, biliary cirrhosis of lever and Chron's disease all came from Neanderthal DNA. But none of these diseases were infected in Neanderthal since these genes were dormant in them and passed to modern human and became dominent while they met. Some Neandarthal skeltons show signs of Arthritis, so that may also have come from them. It is recently found out that Neanderthal man extincted due to a common ear infection which comes in their childhood. 10. Other living creatures on earth can drink water without boiling it and purify it. But we need to boil it or purify it. Otherwise we will be infected with infectious diseases. This may indicate that our home planet has pleanty of pure fresh water or we may resistant to only those organisms present in water available there. That resistant became useless on Earth. 11. Our body's natural rythm doesn't match the Earth's 24 hr clock. Our body is more suitable with 25 hr clock. Many of us feel a massive resistance when it’s time to get up in the morning, even if we’ve had enough sleep, we’re fit and well, and we have something to look forward to during the coming day. Getting out of bed takes an enormous amount of willpower, and forcing ourselves to do it not only makes us feel miserable but can lead to clinical depression. This may point out that we might have evolved on a planet where one day is 25 hr. 12. Many of Earth's creatures can sense natural disasters hours before or even days before they occur. If we descended from the ancestors of these creatures and we are at the top of the evolutionary tree, we ought to be able to sense them too. But we cant sense such disasters before until they hit us. This may point out that our home planet doesnt have any natural disasters. If the crust is one single piece without any techtonic plates, there cant be any tsunamis or earth quakes. And if there are no seasons and the weather is permanently mild, there should be no hurricanes, cyclones, monsoons, floods or wildfires. So there was never any need for us to develop the mechanisms for detecting them. 13. Humans lack a sense of direction. Many native animals make use of Earths magnetic fields to find their way around. Migratory birds fly thousands of miles, yet return to the same nesting sites six months later.We’re so bad at it that we had to invent maps and GPS to help us find our way around.Fortunately, we can always stop and ask for directions. In fact, many anthropologists believe this is why human language evolved. Researchers have found a small group of cells in our brains that can detect magnetic fields. But unfortunately, these cells are somehow inactive. This may suggest that our home plane might have stronger magnetic field than our Earth. When humans came to earth, magnetic field detecting cells might have become inactive since Earth magnetic field is comparitively weaker. 14. If we really evolved in East Africa, the big cats that roam there would have been a huge problem for us. We aren’t the slightest bit equipped to deal with these beasts.Their teeth and claws are designed for attacking larger, faster, more agile animals than us, and ripping through their flesh and bone.We have nothing to fight back with except our superior brain power, clubs, and rocks. This is not an evolutionary thing. It’s far more likely that we originated on a planet where we didn’t have any predators. That would explain why we have no way of defending ourselves against them.
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