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Everything posted by Brandon112

  1. How important do you think is the role of homeostasis in preventing cancer to proliferate? Isn't it curious that a process such as autophagy, which "recycles" proteins and prevents the accumulation of waste products to sustain metabolism and homeostasis, is at the same time a trigger for cancer to proliferate?
  2. Is the further study of molecular biology the to find safe and effective cures por cancer, for example lung cancer? If it is, which approach should be taken or what specific processes should scientist explore in future researchs?
  3. I have several questions regarding cancer causes and proliferaiton and I would like to learn more about it. For example: Do germline mutations occur during meiosis? If that's the case, during which phase occur the DNA damage? What genes are directly involved in cancer growth? Why lung cancer can undergo metastases relatively faster compared to other types of cancer? Do you think cancer is a cell based process, as stated by the Somatic Mutation Theory (SMT) or it takes place at the tissue level of a biological organization, as Tissue Oranization Field Theory implies?
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