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Everything posted by Proan

  1. It could be that the amount of mass and motion in galactic clusters is equal to the expanding space making it appear like there is no expansion in those regions. Much like solar systems "settle" in to regular patterns.
  2. Could it be that the expansion is occurring but the amount of mass and motion appear to cancel it out in those regions?
  3. I would suggest that the difference would cause a curvature in the fabric of spacetime.
  4. Not sure that I follow why you are asking about the relation to matter. I'm suggesting that the space is expanding through your laptop and your laptop is slowing it down imperceptibly causing a gravitational lag. If your laptop had no mass then perhaps it would be a long way away by now.
  5. I understand that my hypothesis has no supporting mathematics. It was more a conceptual idea for discussion as to me it seems plausible. Time exists as a consequence of expanding space and is actually the potential to move through it. It would explain why the speed of light can not be exceeded and why mass and movement causes time dilation. It would also indicate that travelling backward in time would be impossible and explain why time always moves forward. i have read that space is not expanding where mass is clustered but that doesn't seem right, and again I apologise for not having any scientific evidence to back up that comment. It would make more sense for the expansion to be universal so to speak.
  6. I have a theory for discussion that time is created by the expansion of space. I propose that every point of space in the universe is expanding at the speed of light and time as we perceive it is the measurement of the potential to move into the space created. This creates a reality horizon. A physical barrier if you like which is light speed. When you travel in space you are closer to the horizon in the direction you are moving meaning that space in front is effectively expanding slower creating a time dilation for the object in motion. Travelling at the speed of light would mean that space would not be expanding in the direction of travel at all so there would be no movement through time. You can't travel faster as there is no "new" space expansion in that direction to travel in to. I also propose that as space expands through mass it is slowed down. The point at the centre of the mass, as with all points, wants to expand at the speed of light but is restricted by the mass so expands slower. As it moves through the mass and the mass ahead reduces it speeds up until reaching open space where it then expands at light speed again. It is still "behind" where it should be creating a gravitational drag. This proportional deficit would reduce the further away that point gets from the mass explaining why gravity recedes with distance but never disappears. Black holes where the mass is so compacted as to stop the expansion of space are outside of the reality horizon, and would have a surrounding region with no time. I'm probably off the mark but appreciate some comments please
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