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Posts posted by MPMin

  1. 45 minutes ago, Strange said:

    I don't think you can generate an isolated pulse of magnetism that flies out the back of the craft to impart momentum. Because, as far as I know, there is no such thing as a "pulse of magnetic field" as a freely moving entity that can carry momentum. (And no one has told me I am mistaken yet - and that usually happens pretty quickly when I am wrong!)

    A quick google suggests that it is possible

    copied from google :

    ‘Pulsed field magnets are used in research in fields such as materials science to study the effect of strong magnetic fields, since they canproduce stronger fields than continuous magnets. ... The magnetic fieldproduced by pulsed field magnets canreach between 50 and 100 T, and lasts several tens of milliseconds.’

    im guessing that we are talking about a theory that hasn’t come up before which is why people aren’t rushing in to correct anyone and on that I do vaguely recall reading here that most theories have been put forward before - I’m guessing this type of theory doesn’t come up too often. 

    Even if photons with momentum are produced as a result of producing magnetic field pulses between the wires as described, I can’t see the amount of momentum they have could produce the amount of propulsion that a magnetic field could. Case in point of pulsing magnetic fields having the ability to create massive amounts of moment are gauss weapons being developed to accelerate projectiles. I’m not suggesting that my proposed system is an adaptation of a glass weapon to generate propulsion. I’m just using the reference to gauss weapons to demonstrate how magnetic fields can produce momentum.



  2. 15 minutes ago, Strange said:

    Right. So you could generate your pulse inside a metal box, with one side missing. The 5 metal sides will absorb the pulse. The open side will allow it to escape. The will impart a change in momentum to the box. 

    (Whether the pulse is generated by one wire, two wires or a coil or a magnetron or ... makes no difference)

    I thought of pulsing a magnetic field at a metal backplate on a craft - I just thought two magnetic fields would have twice the pull of one and it had the potential of having the cycle reversed allowing for twice the amount of cycles to occur thus making the system four times as powerful as pulsing a single magnetic field at a metal back plate.

  3. Just want to clear up a point here, Is there a confusion between magnetic fields and electromagnetic radiation? I’m talking about a magnetic field that’s generated by an electric current through a wire, I believe this is not an electromagnetic radiation such a light from a laser, I believe these things to be different from each other. If that’s incorrect please explain.

    also I think where I’m getting caught up in the conservation of momentum issue is I can’t understand how a magnetic field completely obeys the rules of conservation of momentum when a magnetic field can pass through non conductive materials that have inertia but not affect their momentum? It would seem that a magnetic field for all intensive purposes can virtually ignore non conductive materials and still effect another magnet through the material. This is why I’m struggling to understand how the conservation of momentum applies to magnetic fields in because the magnetic field in the scenario I described is only working against the other magnetic field created by the other wire while ignoring all other parts of the craft or platform or rocket etc. Further more, when the current ceases in the wire the magnetic field is free from the wire much like an explosion from a hand grenade (as described earlier) except where an explosion effects all substances with inertia, a magnetic field doesn’t affect a substance unless the substance is a conductor.

  4. I cant see the correlation between throwing a rock in every direction compared to throwing a magnetic field in every direction for this reason; when a wire carries a current (as far as I know) will only attract or repel another wire carrying a current in parallel, the wire carrying a current does not attract or repel anything else and if it did it wouldn’t be hard to make sure only non conductive materials were in the immediate vicinity of the system. The throwing the rock in every direction analogy effects everything conductive and non conductive materials.

    Another way to think of one cycle the magnetic pulse propulsion is to perhaps to imagine a hand grenade as the pulse. If the hand grande were to be detonated inside the vessel then yes i think I can see what you have all been trying to say. But if the hand grenade were to be detonated behind the craft it would push it in the opposite direction. What I’m proposing is that the magnetic pulse essentially occurs behind the craft because the other wire receiving the magnetic pulse acts as the back of the craft because the rest of the craft has no effect on the magnetic pulse.

  5. 21 minutes ago, Strange said:

    But, basically, you cannot (as far as I know) manipulate magnetic pulses using another magnetic pulse.

    To be clear on this point, its not a collision of two magnetic fields. The magnetic pulse that arrives at the other wire acts on the wire carrying a current (and the current carrying wire acts on the magnetic pulse) 

    If i had a better drawing program I’d colour the area of the magnetic fields.


    If could illustrate this better, the magnetic pulse on the right would look like a skinny doughnut and the magnetic field on the left would be completely filled in.

    Like this 










  6. 2 hours ago, Ghideon said:

    2: Electromagnetic pulse, a transient electromagnetic disturbance*, is sent from right to left cable. The pulse will carry momentum. This is the same as throwing a rock from right to left. Countering the incoming pulse ("Catching the rock") with a second pulse from the left cable does not generate propulsion. Any propulsion generated will be from the pulses sent in any other directions, out from the system, like a rocket thrusting vapors into space. Sending pulses (or shifting matter) inside the system does not generate propulsion. 

    Is it accurate to consider an electromagnetic pulse emanating outward from the wire in every direction comparable to a rock with mass being thrown in a particular direction?
























































  7. Please forgive my lack of drawing ability, nothing is drawn to scale or magnitude it’s just to demonstrate the principal 

    Ive done my best to draw the phases where as in actuality it would be a fluid cycle.


    Ive included the possibility of reversing the cycle (below)  to utilise the other magnetic field but I don’t know if that would work but at least the first example of the cycle should work and would be repeatable many times per second.


    I believe this could develop a lot more thrust than any photon or laser style propulsion 

  8. 9 minutes ago, Ghideon said:

    Photons leaving=propulsion, as in my rocket example. 
    Photons sent between components inside system=no propulsion, as in my example with a rocket in a bubble.

    As I have tried to describe, consider the first magnetic pulse as the combustion, that magnetic pulse has been spent, the second pulse isn’t trying to capture the first magnetic pulse it’s simply pushing against it like continual combustion causes subsequent gases to push against the previous gases 

    From what I’ve seen, light has a far smaller capacity to move mass compared to magnets, would you disagree?

  9. 9 minutes ago, Strange said:

    We have extremely efficient methods for converting electric power into directional electromagnetic radiation. (The word "laser" comes to mind, for some reason.) So why try and invent a new one, when you don't understand how or if it could work?

    Because I don’t think light has the same potential to move mass as magnets do?

  10. 2 minutes ago, Strange said:

    I can imagine a system of three wires, with correctly phased pulses (or sine waves) could conceivably generate asymmetric electromagnetic radiation. But it would be incredibly inefficient (even if the wires were carefully designed coils, and there was a complex algorithm used to control them). Just use a laser!

    The electronics to drive what I’m describing are incomprehensible to me. I can’t imagine being able to pulse a current for such a short period of time so as to allow a pulse (or wave if you will) of magnetic field, having said that though, consider that the cycle of pulsing a magnetic field would be so extremely short that potentially billions if not trillions of cycles could occur per second. 

    Perhaps a drawing would help better describe what I’m trying to say? 

  11. I get what you have all been saying, I think perhaps you haven’t been getting what I’m saying. I believe I’m not explaining myself well enough.

    the system I’m proposing does not try to capture or reuse its own energy.

    If I use the above explanation as a frame work to describe what I’m trying to explain in similar stages; then just as in the rocket example, consider the first magnetic pulse as the internal combustion, when that magnetic pulse reaches the other wire, the current in that wire acts as a counter force to the initial magnetic field pulse. Just like a rocket producing its own gases to push against I see the pulsing magnetic fields doing the same thing.

  12. 7 hours ago, Ghideon said:

    If you analyse the internals of a rocket (or other) there are many billions of forces or interactions. There are macroscopic parts pushing against each other (bolts, screws or other) and particles (electrons, protons, atoms ...) etc. The particles may have magnetic fields and momentum and there are forces governing their interaction. None of those internal forces, or any kind of sum or composition of such forces will have any impact on the momentum of the complete system. It doesn't matter if it is the force between an electron and the nucleus, the magnetic fields in a battery or between cables or if is molecules in a muscle moving an arm that throws a rock. Internal forces does not generate propulsion. Investors will not be interested.

    To be clear, in the example of a combustion rocket, there first must be internal forces to generate the external forces that propel the rocket?

    in other words, the external forces can not occur without the internal forces happening first? 

    Is this correct? If so then I feel that I’m no explaining myself well enough

  13. 4 minutes ago, Strange said:

    This is getting stupid. You have already been told that if you emit the radiation in one direction then the platform will move in the opposite direction.

    For the sake of argument, if all that’s happening by pulsing the magnetic fields is canceling out the magnetic field in the direction of the other wire leaving a net magnetic field force going the other way will it move?

  14. 45 minutes ago, Strange said:

    Irrelevant because that is internal to the system. 

    Doesn’t the combustion of a normal rocket occur internally? Please explain why this ‘internal to the system’ prevents momentum?

    If the system being the entire platform be it powered by solar panels or battery uses energy and loses energy through some of the magnetic field being emitted outside the system - is it still a closed system?


    12 minutes ago, Strange said:

    We have already established that carries no weight.

    All of man’s creations started with an idea, tread carefully when assuming the authority to say any idea carries no weight.

    22 minutes ago, Strange said:

    And the force between the wires is irrelevant as it is entirely within the system. 

    It would seem you are still thinking of this as a closed system?

    I’m confident that the magnetic field radiates symmetrically outward from the wire. ‘In my mind’ i see the magnetic field travelling outward from the wire, (try to think of it in slow motion at the instant a current starts flowing through the wire, the magnetic field begins travelling outward from the wire and fills the space, I’m assuming this happens at the speed of light) where as in every worked example of current carrying wires and forces, the magnetic field already occupies the entire space. This is why I’m talking about a pulse, not a continual force. Whilst a agree when we talk about shifting mass in a closed system then the conservation of momentum applies. However, when it comes to pulsing a magnetic field I don’t see the conservation law applying because the system is not closed, a lot of the magnetic field will be lost outside the system. As the system will lose a lot of the magnetic field, the system will require an energy input and to be clear i never suggested it wouldn’t. 

    The way i see this propulsion system working is utilising the force between the current carrying wires. No one has yet explained to me why this wont work except to say it defies Newton’s Law when i think we’ve established it doesn’t as its not a closed system. When two wires carry a continual current they push or pull against each other with equal force thus cancelling out the moving forces and no momentum. But if a magnetic field could be pulsed at the other wire, surely only one wire would move? I see only one of the wires moving because the force from the wire that pulsed the magnetic field is no longer carrying a current after the magnetic pulse leaves the wire. The other wire should still move when it pulses a current just as the other magnetic field arrives at the other wire. To be clear these events would be happing at extremely small time frames as the magnetic pulse would be travelling at the speed of light. On that note this is the only reason i see it not being a practical propulsion system because i cant imagine being able to pulse a current for such a minute amount of time.

    The two wires will need to be in parallel to each other, this could be achieved by having two wire rings adjacent to each other but either way as long as the wires are in parallel it should work.

  16. 27 minutes ago, Strange said:

    As already noted, if you can get the radiation to leave the system asymmetrically then you will generate a (minute) thrust because radiation has momentum. Just shine a torch out the back, for example.

    I don’t see it that way. A single wire carrying a current will emit the magnetic field in all directions from the wire thus cancelling out any movement. If there is another wire in parallel carrying a current there will be a force between the wires. In my mind, pulsing the current from one the wires prevents the connection of the magnetic field to the wire it came from thus leaving the other wire to push agains the magnetic pulse. 

  17. If wires can push against each other or attract each other by conducting currents, why can’t this force be used too generate propulsion? In my mind it needs to be pulsed because a continual force from the wires will simply cancel each other out.

    The magnetic field pulses from the from the wires will leave the system because there is no way to contain them, thus i am only concerned with the possibility of being able to generate momentum by pulsing magnetic fields against current carrying wires. It now seem that the conservation of momentum law no longer apply?

  18. 1 hour ago, Strange said:

    We already know that the first rock make no difference, so we can ignore it. That just leaves the second rock. But we already know that a single rock makes no difference.

    The rock being thrown the other way leaves the system does it not? So how does it make no difference?

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