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  1. Unfortunately I do have to use a diacid - they are commercially used latent curing agents for epoxy resins and I need to check if diester synthesised from them will improve the properties of the resin. It is also ment to be some natural acid. The patent you mentioned looks really interesting but the way of prepering a diester with this method seems really complicated. After consulting it with my supervisor we've decided to try a simple diol - dicarboxylic acid reaction with a high exceed of acid in organic solvent. However I do not know in what way I would be able to seperate the product from residual acid?
  2. I am actually looking to obtain a product with a general formula like this: Unfortunately I'm forced to use a polycarboxylic acid for this. The only compound similar to what I would like to get was 3-[(2-carboxyacetyl)oxymethoxy]-3-oxopropanoic acid. I did not however find any ways of synthesis. Yeah, don't worry I do have experience in synthetic chemistry as also I have a supervisor that controls all the actions I take in the laboratory By carrying out this kind of reaction, I will be able to create linear (or control reaction in a ceratin way to obtain them) or only cyclic products?
  3. Yeah, you guessed it right I'll keep that in mind then. A latent curing agent for epoxy resins - that's why I need carboxylic groups at the ends. As a polycarboxylic acid I'm thinking on using a natural one - succinic acid for example. I don't have any diol picked at the moment.
  4. Thank you for the answer. Do you have any suggestions where to search for a recipe to synthesise such compounds?
  5. Hello everyone! I struggle to find a way to create a diester (carboxyl group ended) from dicarboxylic acid and diol reaction. I know that when the reaction between two is acid-catalyzed the polycondensation occurs with creation of polyester. I would like to stop the reaction with A-B-A product (where A is coming from a dicarboxylic acid and B - from diol). Could someone help me with that?
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