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Everything posted by CJWilli1

  1. I personally believe in the big rip scenario. It may be irrelevant in the universe today, but in the far future when the black holes we know of radiate away it may be very relevant. By that time I’m sure the universe will be unrecognizable compared how behaves now. You made an excellent point earlier that light cannot accelerate. If you think my previous ideas are far fetched then get a load of this... As I stated earlier I believe that the universe behaves like a gradient of gravity. At the start of the Big Bang the gravity is very high due to the large concentration of mass. As the universe expands the concentration of mass spreads out, and gravity, or the warping of space time, decreases. As the gravity or warping of space time decreases the passage time would increase. The less gravity you experience the faster the flow of time. In my gradient scenario time would accelerate. When we say something accelerates we assume that time is constant. But according to my theory time itself would have to be accelerating. What if that rate of expansion was constant and time itself is accelerating? Wouldn’t it be impossible for us to tell the difference? Thanks for bearing with me. I know I have no evidence but unfortunately I don’t have a black hole or giant telescope handy to try and find it.
  2. So even as the expansion of the universe accelerates, the gas and stars in our galaxy will not gradually increase in distance relative to the center of the galaxy? You would think that as the expansion accelerates all matter would inevitably expand. Right now the expansion is only apparent on large scales but if it continues to accelerate couldn’t that expansion effect matter on smaller scales? If it takes a supermassive black hole a googol years to radiate its energy through Hawking radiation, and the expansion is occurring at that point in time is occurring at an astronomically faster rate, then couldn’t the radiating particles accelerate outwards similarly to that of the distant galaxies that we observe today?
  3. A virtual particle (that becomes a real particle) has a velocity away from the event horizon. As the universe expands, distant galaxies appear to accelerate away from us. All matter will accelerate away from each another. So the virtual/real particle must accelerate away from the event horizon and the singularity. Since the rate of expansion increases as time moves on, the radiating particles accelerate. So even though the the radiating particles are not directly under the influence of the singularity, it is still possible that they accelerate away from the singularity just as the the counter particle accelerates towards it?
  4. Well I don’t see a definite boundary but a gradient. Either a gradient from hot to cold or a gradient from high gravity to low gravity. Like there is no boundary between a wave and the surrounding ocean. Since the universe is expanding, matter is getting colder. Every atom will eventually rip apart and approach absolute zero. If what surrounds us is a cold dead parent universe, then it too is expanding. So as our universe flows into its surroundings the matter of our universe would make little contact or heat exchange due to the expanding nature of our surroundings. Even if we were in a well of frozen space time like I stated in my initial speculation, and the surroundings were in super slow motion and gradually speeding up, then as the matter in our universe climbed/fell down this gradient then the surrounding matter would begin to accelerate away from us. The matter in our universe would occupy more of the surrounding space while the matter that previously occupied that space would accelerate away from us. From our perspective it would appear that space was being created. If matter cannot be created or destroyed, then why should we believe that space-time can be created or destroyed? what evidence is there that space is created at the moment of the Big Bang as opposed to my scenario? I’m sure that evidence exists can someone please explain it to me? I partially agree now that I think about it. A virtual particle that becomes a real particle outside the event horizon shouldn’t accelerate away from a black hole, but regardless it would experience velocity away from of the event horizon. Otherwise it would fall into the black hole as well. So when the pair of virtual particles pops into existence, would the initial velocities of both of the particles outside the event horizon be equal and opposite?
  5. As the black hole radiates, the radius of the event horizon diminishes at an accelerating rate. The event horizon approaches the singularity. At the moment before the black hole dies, is it possible that the event horizon somehow exists on the “edge” of the singularity? As a negative virtual particle is accelerated towards the singularity, wouldn’t the positive virtual particle/ real particle escape with an equal and opposite acceleration? I’ve read that a black holes radiate slowly at first and accelerate as time moves on. So isn’t there a relationship between the distance from the singularity and the acceleration of a virtual particle escaping from the event horizon? And wouldn’t that relationship exist regardless of the fact that Hawking radiation occurs outside the event horizon? I agree with the fact that the universe has no true boundary, but I don’t agree there’s nothing outside of it. If our universe’s surroundings is composed of atoms approaching absolute zero as they drift light years apart from one another, wouldn’t that space be indestinguishable from nothing?
  6. Even if DE is be proved to be a property of spacetime that doesn’t nessecarily mean that the property “just is” and there isn’t something driving it. Why shouldn’t we assume that whatever lies outside the boundaries of our universe has an effect on us? If our universe was hot at the start of the Big Bang, and we expand outwards, why can’t we assume that the outside is cold which causes us to flow towards it? Even if the flow of heat and DE are two separate things, we still shouldn’t dismiss the flow of heat as not being an important factor that drives the expansion. From what I’ve read about black holes, if you watched someone cross the event horizon, you would see them stop in time before they crossed it, and they would red shift until they faded away. Even though matter technically never escapes the event horizon, the positive virtual particles that escape from their negative pair become real particles. So wouldn’t that mirror the matter being released by the singularity? Wouldn’t the result be the same? Didn’t I say the image appears frozen in time then radiates away? How is saying that the image radiates away imply that it isn’t finite? There is a basis for imagining such a thing. If the energy that is crushed into a singularity undergoes a certain force, wouldn’t the release of that energy imply an equal and opposite force? Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Why couldnt a black hole with the mass of the universe exist? Would it collapse in on itself?
  7. According to Einstein’s theory of general relativity, mass/gravity bends the fabric of space-time. The greater the mass/gravitational pull of an object, the more it curves space-time. This causes time to pass slower in areas of space that have stronger gravitational fields. For example, if you synchronize two atomic clocks on the surface of earth, then put one of the clocks in orbit and left the other on the surface of earth, then the clock in orbit would run slightly faster. So the relationship is as you approach a center of mass, time runs slower. In other words, as gravity increases the passage of time decreases (relative to outside observer). The objects in the universe with the greatest gravity that we know of are black holes. Because of their extreme gravity, or warping of space time, objects that fall into a black hole will appear frozen in time from the perspective of an outside observer. An object that has crossed the event horizon will continue to fall towards the singularity, but will appear frozen in time to an outside observer. So if you fell into a black hole, and somehow stayed alive, you would continue to fall into towards the singularity. But from the perspective of an outside observer you would appear to freeze in time before you crossed the event horizon. The light that produced your frozen image would then radiate away. According to Steven Hawking, Black Holes will eventually radiate away. In other words black holes will emit light. But isn’t the gravitational pull of a black hole so strong that light cannot escape? In order to make sense of this apparent contradiction we have to talk about the temperature of space and very basic thermodynamics. Space is very cold relative to the temperatures we experience here on earth. But the temperature of space is nowhere near absolute zero. In fact the temperature of “empty” space is about 2.73 Kelvin. That may be cold, but not in comparison to the temperature of black holes. The temperature of a solar mass black hole could have a temperature of about 0.00000006 Kelvin, and black holes get even colder as they increase in mass. Since energy flows from hot to cold, black holes absorb light rather than emit it. But as universe expands, due to a mysterious force known as dark energy, it cools. After an inconceivably long amount of time, the temperature of the surrounding universe will become colder than that of the black hole. Because energy moves from hot to cold the black hole will release its contents into its surroundings. This will occur slowly at first, and will accelerate faster as time moves on. All the matter/ energy that is densely packed into the singularity of a black hole will expand and radiate into the surrounding space. My theory Imagine if the properties of black holes are reversed once the temperature of space surrounding the black hole drops below it. Instead of the matter and energy being crushed and into a single point, it would expand outwards in every direction. Instead of matter appearing to slow in time as it accelerates towards the singularity, that energy would speed up in time as it accelerates away from the singularity (relative to an outside observer). If the energy that is released from the black hole somehow contained an observer within it, then that person may experience time similar to we do, but the cold space that surrounds that expanding field of energy would appear frozen in time. Even if a person experienced an eternity as they exited a singularity, that timeline could occur in a brief moment to an outside observer. A person living within a radiating black hole would be in a pit of slowed time that gradually speeds up until it is uniform with the surrounding universe. Now imagine a universe that existed before ours. A star in this universe collapsed and formed a black hole. Then the universe expanded until was cold and dark. Once it’s temperature dropped below that of the black hole, the contents of the singularity were released into the surrounding cold dead space at an accelerating rate. Perhaps this sequence of events is what caused our Big Bang and accelerating expansion. We may be a child that is expanding into our cold and dead parent universe. Perhaps what we call dark energy is the just the effect of the cold vacuum that surrounds us. Now imagine another universe with an accelerating rate of expansion that is identical to ours, the only difference is that this universe contains a billion times more matter than ours. The increased mass and gravity would result in the entire universe collapsing in on itself. In order for it not to collapse back in on itself you would have to increase the accelerating rate of expansion. Now let us compare black holes of different masses. Black hole A has less mass than black hole B. Since B is more massive it is also colder than A. Because of B’s lower temperature, the temperature of the surrounding universe that will allow B to radiate away will have to be much lower than that of A. In other words, the more massive a black hole is, the colder the surrounding space is when the singularity releases its energy into it. The greater difference in heat between contents of the singularity and its surroundings causes a increased accelerating rate of expansion. This increased rate of expansion is countered by the increased gravity resulting from the greater mass. So as you increase the mass of a black hole, the energy that causes the singularity to expand increases. In other words gravity and “dark energy” are always balanced. If you increase mass you increase dark energy. So black holes may all expand at the same net rate relative to an observer within them. So if black holes create new universes within ours, then does the matter they contain make any difference in the timelines they create when they expand? Perhaps all forces and outcomes of the universe stem from the balance of gravity pulling inwards and the surrounding vacuum that pulls it outwards (aka dark energy). And if the balance of these forces remains constant then perhaps the timelines created within these radiating black holes are identical to that of this universe. No matter what enters a black hole, whether it’s a star or an asteroid, it will become spagettified until it is uniform. Anything that approaches a singularity will be stretched and pulled into hot string of plasma 1 atom wide. But why stop there? An atom closer to the singularity will experience more gravity than one that is further away, so they will separate. Even the side of the proton closer to the singularity will experience more gravity than the side further away. This could cause even the smallest known particles to be split apart due to the extreme gravity. Perhaps the energy stored at the singularity is composed of the smallest and hottest possible substance uniformly. The amount of this substance that exists within the singularity does not matter. When the black hole expands, all this hot energy will be released from a single point that expands at a fixed rate, recreating the exact conditions of our Big Bang. In other words the size of the universe at its origin will remain constant, being a singularity with (almost) no volume. The force gravity will remain constant, and the acceleration of expansion will remain constant. If this is true, then the smallest, hottest, and most indivisible particle that is released from a singularity encodes the information for every possible outcome in our universe. Every thought, memory, person, planet, star, black hole, and galaxy are all encoded in the smallest division of matter. That smallest division of matter forms our universe when it is pulled apart in every direction by the surrounding vacuum of space.
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