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Isaac Scott

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Everything posted by Isaac Scott

  1. Hey there! Does the wave the wave function that arises from the double slit experiment change based on the mass of the particle? For instance, is the wave that is created by sending electrons through the slits differentiations from that of the wave that arises from larger particles? Thanks, Isaac
  2. Thank you for the response! I am trying to see if there is some sort of alignment between mass and fusion. Very long story short, my hypothesis is that the increase velocity, hence increased mass, is directly related to whether fusion occurs. If there is a "window" of energy levels the seem to work the best, I wonder if that is because it is impossible for us to know the exact velocity. Do you know where I might find the numbers on what that "window of energies" is? Thank you for responding! On part 2, where do I find numbers on this?
  3. Hey there, I need a bit of help with a project I am working on. Two parts here that help answer the same question. First, when fusing H into He, is there a specific energy needed for fusion to occur or can fusion occur at any energy level or velocity. Part two: When creating heavier elements in the lab, they blast a less massive particle at a more massive particle in the hopes that they will fuse to make the desired element. Is there a specific velocity that the lighter particle is accelerated to? Thanks! Isaac
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