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  1. Hey everyone made an account to reply. I have been able to do this for as long as I can remember. When I was 9 I decided meditation was interesting and I began doing this both separately and also while meditating. Here are a few things I have observed I apologize for how medically inaccurate my assumptions are. I have always internally referred to it as "letting go" of my legs. It starts there and I can get it to spread to the rest of the body. Here are my observations. It starts with a release of control over the muscles in the hips and gluteus. Then (sry this awkward) a relaxation of the anus also more than likely the same level of release of the prostate. This triggers the release of the rest of legs muscles down to the toes. Then starting at the base of the middle of the spine and then spreading to the base of the neck. Then spreading to the rest of the muscles in back suchs between the shoulder blades. As silly as this may sound I oft find myself crossing my eyes at this point. Also important to mention is that I typically hold my breath at the start of this process and as I begin to release the muscles at the base of the spine up I begin breathing. The release of muscles in the hip anus and butt would probably be enough to increase blood flow as they are typically clenched. Pupil dilation could probable be explained by the increase in blood flow and more blood going through the heart. What is also kinda weird is sometimes sound gets really weird. An increase of low frequency perception and higher nyquist perception. I also tend to clench my teeth while starting but by the end I unclench my jaw and toungue.
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