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Lepton (1/13)



  1. I'm torn between two worldviews. One worldview, from neuroscience, stating that the more the brain is damaged, the more the mind slips into nothing/nowhere. Taken to the extreme of brain damage/dissolution/annihilation, one should expect that you're no longer there. Also, from physics describing how particles are arranged in specific/specialized patterns and when the particles disarrange at bodily death we cease to be. The other worldview, that we don't where we came from, where we're going, why or how existence is there, why or how awareness of existence is there, we don't know what is outside of mind and we don't know the nature of personal identity. Thus, who is anyone to proclaim as if they know literally infinity or at least everything that is - what you'd need to conclude that death is for sure oblivion/nonexistence/nonbeing/nothing.
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