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  1. Thank you for the name. I knew Sara Seager for her "Drake equation". Is it this calculation ? https://arxiv.org/pdf/1304.3714.pdf
  2. According to my research, I saw that the size of the planet is not very important. But obviously, the mass has an impact on the presence of an atmosphere, so on the temperature. But I just wanted to know how the habitable zone was calculated, this zone says more about the star than on the planet, as it was said before.
  3. OK thanks a lot! So, if I understood correctly, in our solar system, we did not define the HZ. So, this representation is correct ? In fact, I'd like to do a program that says (with the mass of the star, is luminosity and the distance between the planet and the star using Kepler's law) if the planet is or isn't in the habitable zone... So if I understood I must take our actuel delimitation for the solar system and transpose it to another system. (3,8*10^26)/4*PI*(0,95*1,49*10^11)^2 = 1500 W.m^-2 (3,8*10^26)/4*PI*(2,4*1,49*10^11)^2 = 236 W.m^-2 And I take Kepler 452 with P = 1,2 * 3,8 * 10^26 W Outer : ((1,2*3,8*1026 )/(4*PI*236))1/2 = 3,9 * 1011 m Inner : ((1,2*3,8*1026 )/(4*PI*1500))1/2 = 1,55 * 1011 m For Kepler from 1,55*10^11 to 3,9 * 10^11 m is "habitable" ?
  4. Thank you for this calculation ! In the solar system, the habitable zone is between 0.95 UA and 2 AU. I do not find these values if I use your calculation ... Is it because the Earth is not in the middle of this zone ? What are the minimum and maximum "P" for a temperature between 0 ° C and 100 ° C? (I mean Pmin=1200 W/m^2 and Pmax=1500W/m^2 ? or is it another value)
  5. I think (but I'm not sure) that the albedo (so the composition of the atmosphere) is not taken into account to define the habitable zone. But I can be wrong...
  6. Hi ! I need your help to find a formula to calculate the habitable zone of a star ... I searched and searched without having the answer ... I found this calculation: But it just defines a radius. I would like to calculate the lower limit of the ZH and its upper limit. I found other calculations with Boltzman's law, but I can not find results that work. So if you have an idea I'd be happy Thanks (sorry for my english)
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