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Jukka Savorinen

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  1. Yes. Expanding light interactive with other expanding ligths. Thats why 1. Light bending when moving near stars, galaxys or galaxygroups. 2. Old light is cosmologys way redshifted. 3. Gravity redshifted light. This 3 phenomena because light expanding and interactive with other expanding lights. You cant try manipulate space. Space dont emit any kind of information. You have to believe, there is some magic hokkus pokkus curving space. I can try to manipulate light moving direction with billion years old light. . Why you dont have a theory of everything for physics? Because yours theory giving totally wrong picture for small scale universe and big scale universe!!! Space cant change at any way. Space is eternal and infinity 3 D place which IS nothing. . I cant answer yours post and i cant write new post here?!?
  2. Galaxys born inside to outside. galaxy centre supermassive concentrations expanding and emit dark expanding matter which is also expanding pushing force which pushing expanding stars ans expanding planets away from galaxy centre expanding supermassive concentration. . Entropy working in every level, also very small! I mean, inside quarks and photons too! Of course! Or if not, WHY NOT?Expanding condensations vs. expanding spaceThose who believe in the Big Bang theory, believe in the existence of a an expandingspace! But no one is capable of explaining of what is making the expanding spaceexpand, or how it does it! No one can tell what happens to the expanding space whenit expands!I have asked and I have received these kinds of answers!Question: What happens to the expanding space when it expands?Answer: The metric coordinate system of the space is growing.Question: Where is based on?Answer: It is based on the expanding of the space.As you can see, there doesn´t exist a well founded answer to this, not yet anyway!No one can tell what kind of system the expanding space in itself is!The Onesimpleprinciple- model is able to explain how the condensations of thevisible universe are expanding all the time three-dimensionally outwards to alreadyexisting space, which is an eternal and infinite space of nothing!Every system/condensation contains movement which is always pushing force! The innermotion/pressure is based on recycling. That means that the expanding system consistsof smaller expanding systems which are recycling expanding motion/energy among eachother.With this inner motion/pushing force the expanding system/condensation is able toslow down the speed of the energy of the pushing motion/energy expanding from theoutside, making some of the pushing motion from outside to its own inner motion.This newfound inner motion/pushing force can be used to do the same again and allthe while gain increasing motion/energy which, as an inner motion, is object´s innerpushing force/pressure which makes the condensation expand/scatter to bigger andbigger area to an eternal and infinite space of nothing!.The condensation itself consists of smaller condensations that recycle the eternal motion in a corresponding way and therefore the inner motion/pressure gets the thing in the system to scatter to wider and wider band with help from pushing force.The bigger band the expanding motion of the subject scatters to, the more motion of all background protrudes through it and the more it gets that motion to its own inner motion/energy/pushing force.So the condensations that form all the backgrounds motion no longer expand in the same ratio as the expanding motions that form the visible universe do and that is exactly why they keep pushing more and more through the expanding condensations of the visible universe all the time.The further forward the visible universe protrudes, the less motion/energy (not dark energy) of all background have the expanding condensations ahead been able to eat/absorb to themselves. That is also why there is more and more motion/energy of all background available for the expanding condensations of the visible world all the time.In this way the Onesimpleprinciple model is able to explain how and why the expanding condensations expand outward to the already existing space. And since a portion of the inner expanding motion/energy is directed out of the expanding condensation, functions that expanding motion/energy as a pushing force by the aid of which the expanding condensation is able to push other similar expanding condensations/concentrations away from itself..
  3. Nucleus of atoms expanding and recycling expanding pushing force which have a nature of expanding light. Expanding light moving faster and faster same way what matter and light expanding. Expanding space is naked empire. Eternal recycling working all a time "in" infinity 3 Dimension space which IS nothing. For recycling you need only pushing force. You can squeeze the pushing force denser. It succeeds with pushing force. With external pressure. The system decomposes / expands with less dense pushing force. By means of internal pressure. It is all what you need. You dont need bonding forces. No pulling force. No curving space. No expanding space. No extra space dimensions. Not a dark matter with unexplained pulling force. No dark energy. . The universe is eternal. The visible universe has a beginning which is based on eternal motion. Motion is eternal. Motion = energy. Motion = pushing force. Eternal circulation is based only on pushing force which is motion.Therefore pulling force/arching space does not exist. Thus the motion/energy of which the visible universe was born existed yet before the visible universe came into existence out of it. In the eternal and infinite space there are extremely dense and massive objects that are very far away from each other. All of them are located far outside the visible universe and the expanding visible universe protrudes away from one such object. Thereby the expanding condensations absorb motion originally from other similar objects to themselves. This is the matter of motion/energy i.e. remains of very old detectable kind of universes. These extremely dense and massive objects recycle the eternal motion/energy among each other and during this action there are detectable kinds of galaxies born out of the extremely dense motion/energy that is directed away from those very objects.If there were no remains of the old universes that still have areas of different densities protruding in the contrary direction no detectable kind of visible universe could ever be born. First the supermassive objects in the centers of galaxies are born out of zillions of individual condensations that expand and recycle the expanding motion/energy among each other. The external motion/energy protruding towards gets the expansion of these objects to accelerate very strongly at the same time. As a result there is suddenly an extremely great pressure in the center of a large area with no gravitational force at all. Now there is outward expanding motion/energy being pressed from the center of this area out of which new expanding stars come to existence by the aid of the external motion/energy in a similar manner. Also new detectable kind of matter is born consisting of the cores of expanding atoms that recycle among each other the expanding motion/energy with a nature of expanding light. In this case the external motion originates from a supermassive object in another galaxy’s center that also expands in a manner that expanding motion/energy protrudes outward of it. This expanding motion/energy has the nature of expanding cores of atoms and thus it also has the nature of expanding stars. Space is eternal and infinite room that is nothing at all.Therefore space does not expand or arch. The general redshift of light does not prove that expanding space exists.The bending in the trajectory of light for example when passing the sun does not prove that arching space exists. So called gravitational redshift of light does not prove that gravitation or arching space exist. The phenomena in question are a proof of photons expanding and recycling expanding motion/energy among each other and therefore the light generally redshifts during its journey. Therefore the light bends when it passes the sun and therefore the expanding light protruding outward from the dense star gravitationally redshifts so to speak. New expanding photons interact with old expanding photons that originate from other galaxies of the superbunch/cluster of galaxies. Interacting with new expanding photons the speed of old expanding photons increases and therefore the old light generally redshifts so to speak. Expanding photons that are originally from billions of galaxies protrude towards the expanding sun. These photons have recycled expanding motion/energy during their journey and the motion/energy protrudes towards the sun in the areas in between the expanding photons and then collides with the expanding photons that are protruding past the sun getting their trajectory to bend towards the expanding sun. .
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