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Everything posted by mbkitmgr

  1. Wow, thanks to all. The federal gov issued the warning via the media a few weeks ago and I was trying to understand the science behind how the lead remains. One of our Supermarket chains (Aldi) had to recall tapware due to high concentrations of lead. As far as I know this lead to an investigation and the realisation that lead contamination is an issue across the board. I just wondered how the lead continues to contaimante the water indefinitely - why doesnt it transfer lead from the pipes to the water and reduce the lead levels in the surface in contact with water - therefore reducting the longterm contamination.
  2. Here in Australia the "proverbial has hit the fan" and a formal health warning has been issued about the contamination of our drinking water due to the presence of lead in our taps/pipes etc. The Gov have released an advisory that we are to flush the tap for 30 seconds when say getting a glass of water or filling the Jug/Kettle. Further advice is to run the tape for 2-3 mins if we have been away from our home for a few days before drinking the water. My Questions - I understand that LEAD is present in the Brass fittings/taps etc but why doesnt it dissipate over time on the surface area of the fittings in contact with water How does it continue to contaminate the water on an ongoing basis if it doesnt dissipate
  3. Thank you to all responders. This came about after I installed Tyre Pressure Sensors on the bike (Can AM Spyder 3 wheeler). I had to top up the (L) front tyre having used it to sync all three sensors. Since then the (R) front tyre has pure Nitrogen, and is always cooler (22 deg C) according to the sensors than the (L) front 23 deg C. Ironically my quest for accurate tyre pressures has created a conundrum. Without the sensors, I'd check pressures with a pressure gauge and top up as required, where as now new tyres + Nitrogen has meant standing in the garage I have 2 different temperatures and pressures at the front. At present standing in the garage presures/temps are: (L) 18.2 PSI @ 23 Deg C - Air/Nitrogen mix (R) 19 PSI @ 22 Deg C - pure Nitrogen Am I too fussy? Well maybe but the manufacturers max pressure is 22 psi and i find one half a psi difference affects the handling
  4. My dealership insists on putting nitrogen in the tyres when fitted new, but I wonder if there are consequences from doing this. My theory goes like this: The tyres are fitted and filled with Nitrogen to 22PSI, the left (L) tyre goes down a little so I top it up with the compressor. I now have two tyres with different gasses inflating them, and hence have different rates of expansion. As the tyre heats up the (R) gets to X PSI, where as the (L) gets to a higher pressure becuase of the different effects of heat oin he Nitorgen/Air mixture Over time the and on a hot day the (L) Tyre would have say 50% nitrogen and 50% atmosphere/air would get to a hgher pressure from heat expansion of the inflating gas, than the (R) whic is still at 100% Nitrigen Am I on track here? Would I be better off having air thatn the mixes
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