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  1. So I had a jarring incident happen in my bathroom. I notice the toilet tank lid was getting a bit dirty and had blue listerine rings on it. So I carefully picked it up off the tank (because it was cut at one end due to a oversized sink) and put it in the tub after I cleared it off since I kind of use it for storage space. The following items were on the tank lid, a bottle of the works toilet bowl cleaner, listerine mouth wash, epsom salt and goldbond spray. I sat these on the side of the tub or in the sink. on the tub was a bottle of tilex (i really lack storage room) well i turned on the water and POP! I saw a flash and heard a Loud Pop like an electrical wire fell into the water. It happened so fast I barely saw what happened, but I am pretty sure it was the toilet lid which was where the explosion happened. nothing shattered or anything, but it was still frightening. I don't know if there might have been some kind of compound on the lid where it was sawed off at one end, or if the works, epsom salt and/or listerine could have leaked and formed a hydrophobic compound. The toilet bowl cleaner isn't leaking and the epsom salt is sealed tight. The listerine did get on the lid since I sometimes forget to rinse out the cap after using it, which then leaks down the bottle and pools around it. There are no electrical wires near the faucet, the closest electrical item is a baseboard heater next to the tube I never use because I don't trust whatever idiot thought it was smart to install something like that in a small bathroom, and no circuit was tripped or anything. The flash was small but the pop loud. any ideas what might have happened?
  2. nope, they were only visible when i looked at the highlighted drop of water. If I blinked they were still there when I opened my eyes again.
  3. Hmmm, seems a bit slow, at least from what i saw when I looked for videos on Brownian motion. These moved very fast, and their movements were somewhat like gnats buzzing around a piece of ripe garbage, but way more random and if the flies could vanish. it's like a mix between the gnats in my example, a cat toy laser pointer, a animation i once saw about ghost particles and Bohr's Model of an Atom Random, at least to my eyes, but still with some sense of direction. I noticed one made a triangular zigzag, another made a lightning bolt zag, some made a bob and weave about motion and others moved either up or down and then blinked out of view like they were not there to begin with.
  4. Could someone tell me what are these specks that are quickly moving about in the water droplet on my glasses? I can see them when i stare up at the ceiling with the light on, and the light is refracting through the droplet. Are these eye floaters I am seeing reflected, microscopic particles or lifeforms in the water that are being magnified by my glass lense? There are at least 30 or so viewable at any given moment, they move about in random movements, quickly and they disappear and reappear without a pattern. they are somewhat dark and see through but have a noticeable rainbow-like aura around them. They are about the size of this period -> .
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